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Это просто весело!

Автор: Terronezov · 30 окт 2014 · ·
  1. Запустить игру Star Nomad, внутри него запустить руководство к игре и узнать, что это самое руководство заблокировано российским провайдером по Федеральному Закону РФ. А всё из-за того, что забанили доступ ко всему домену "Wordpress"!
    Что такое Star Nomad?


  1. Terronezov
    ThisSuXX, игру сначала делали для планшетов. Хорошо!
  2. ThisSuXX
    Айвенго, это содержимое той страницы, что открывается при нажатии на ? в PC версии. Откуда там что понадергано я хз. :unknw:
      Айвенго нравится это.
  3. Terronezov
    ThisSuXX, это хорошо, но я играю в Star Nomad на ПК. Игра об этом даже предупреждает.
  4. ThisSuXX

    • The final few story missions are balanced for all 3 Frigates, with Mk3 modules (Mk4 is not required if you fly well).
    • Try to fight near Jump Points so if the crap ever hits the fan, you can jump out. Story Missions will reset allowing you to return and try it again.
    • Recall that the game continues while you are docked (pesky pirates shooting you while you are loading up on Exotic Dancers!!), it works BOTH ways: You can reload Missiles & Torpedos whilst in combat if you dock. It’s a valid tactic and one that should be used!
    • Most mid-game+ Story Missions can be re-tried by entering the relevant system again, if you died or jump out mid-mission and it fails, just head back in to continue/retry.

    [The Prophecy]

    • It’s a very strong ship in that it can utilize drones as well as the C-Beam Cannon, but its not the best. Torpedoes are very strong with high Alpha-Damage, quickly killing enemies before too many build up and overwhelm you.
    • As a pirate or smuggler, the Prophecy is the best, because it can go all out with 3 Combat Drones and C-Beam, putting out very high DPS with AoE. It will kill pirate groups extremely fast, as well as merchants.
    • Against stronger Fleets like Confed/Yamada forces, its not as good since it lacks Alpha to kill them quickly so its prone to being overwhelmed. It’s best to give it 3 Support Drones if you intend to fight hard targets, the shield restore from the drones add up to being equivalent of a bonus Shield Boost, giving it a very strong tank. With good flying to kite Battleships, you can avoid being hit with their C-Beam while you can hit them with your own C-Beam as they chase!
    • If you bought the Prophecy (thank you!) but died (oops), please consider trying the Hyperion or Nadesico.

    [Zero Sum Expansion]

    • In August, I released an expansion (free) for Android & PC/MAC, containing a new “Zero Sum” plot and extra content (doubling the length of the overall story). To proceed on the new plot once you’ve completed the original story, talk to Erica Price in Gemini (until she mentions to you, to go find Kikyo). Then find Kikyo and she will explain everything.
    • Do NOT start the Zero Sum missions without a maxed Frigate, its made for end-game challenge.
    • The “Zero Sum” missions will test even the best pilots, often requiring perfect movement and positioning as well as timing of ability/torpedo usage. Do not wade into it expecting an easy ride, bring your A-game with you or you’ll be in a lifepod!

    [Steam Greenlight]

    Please help get Star Nomad on Steam!
      Айвенго нравится это.
  5. ThisSuXX

    Welcome pilots, consider this your briefing, a quick summary of what was in the old-school era would be a thick manual! Pay attention and learn else you’ll find yourself in a lifepod, repeatedly!

    If you have a short attention span (TLDR), just know this one advice: UPGRADE your modules FIRST (Mk1) before getting that expensive ship. When you die, you keep most modules (!!) but that expensive ship… BOOM. Insurance only covers 75% of its value.

    First, some basics on the control & UI:

    Star Nomad features an easy to use One-Touch (or One-Click) interface!


    Nav Icons show the ~ heading to stations or jumps! Fly to a shipyard to dock & bring up menus.


    To purchase modules, select a type to bring up a list of available modules. Drag & drop into the correct slot to buy.


    Trading is quick & easy with a simple touch to buy/sell. All stations also can re-arm launchers.


    Know thy enemies. It also helps to know thy friends… friendly fire is not very friendly!


    [Mining Asteroids] PC/MAC & Android. Soon to iOS!

    To start, purchase a permanent Mining Laser (Turret, 25,000 Cr) upgrade at the Shipdock.

    Mine-able asteroids have a target circle. When mined with a laser, it will explode into fragments.


    Fly over fragments (small roids with a green dot) with the cargo menu open to scoop up the ores!


    Mine-able asteroids will spawn in systems with Mining (typically higher quality) and Refinery Stations. Some pirate systems will also have very high quality roids for you to mine, but beware of the locals!

    Mining is a very profitable activity from the start, with good yields in Pyrenees and decent yields in Melfina, both relatively safe systems.

    Each asteroid has a hidden quality value that determines which fragments you obtain when mining. Regions outside the starter Al Dhanab offers rare & expensive ores such as Exonite or the ultra-rare Phanium! Both of which fetch the best prices at Refineries.

    [General Game Mechanics]

    • Your ship will fly to your touch location, once there, it will proceed on that direction (inertia) until you direct it elsewhere.
    • Your current faction standing with the major groups are shown below the Star Map, as green (friendly) or crosshair (enemy). Militia & Civilians fall under one faction “Civilian”. Hunters are always out to kill you, as they are Bounty Hunters with a mission to blow you up.
    • Losing a fight and exploding happens often in Star Nomad, but don’t worry! Insurance will ease the pain! Ships beyond the starter Nomad will refund 75% of their value. Some modules that get lost also recover most of their value.
    • Your progress is saved when you: Jump, un-dock at stations, Accept or Complete/Fail a mission. You can resume story missions by talking to the previous NPC, or in the later missions, re-entering the relevant system to re-try.
    • There IS friendly fire.
    • There’s an NPC that can reset your Faction Standing.
    • Factions will like you if you kill their enemies and vice versa.
    • IF you become a pirate, you will lose access to HQ missions & some story mission NPCs will refuse to talk to you.
    • Don’t ever rage-quit once your ship has just been blown up. Weird things could happen to your savegame!
    • If militia patrols catch you smuggling Contraband, you lose some faction rep with them. Get caught a few times, they will flag you a criminal.
    • Pay attention to merchant SOS! It shows where the pirates are so you can either fight or avoid them.

    [Combat Mechanics & Tips]

    • How to fight? Your turrets will auto-fire on nearby hostiles. You control the usage of modules & missiles as well as movement.
    • Your missiles are Friend-or-Foe types, which auto seek enemies on screen once launched. It will always seek the same enemy until it’s killed then a new target is added.
    • Your Missiles fly in the direction of your ship facing if there are no hostiles onscreen. Use this if you want to get in not-so-accidental kills on merchants and start your pirating career!
    • Generally its a VERY BAD IDEA to park your ship and just tank it. You are meant to move, always in combat, for two reasons: 1) you zig-zag to avoid most of the turret fire (projectile types can be avoided) & 2) increase the time it takes for enemy missiles to reach you, allowing the point defense to cycle through most of them.
    • Enemy Missiles are very dangerous. Upgrade Point-Defense first!
    • Most ships hate being EMPd, it’s not cool to EMP friendlies, they may get angry enough to try and blow you up.
    • In Fleet missions, your goal is to keep the friendly fleet alive so they can tank for you. You can do this by staying close, letting your point defense protect them, also if your shield/energy are good, move closer to the threat to draw some fire. If the friendly fleet dies, you will be focused fired upon by the remaining hostiles!


    • It’s easiest to start as a trader, the routes around Al Dhanab are relatively safe. A good run is from Pyrenees to Melfina (Ores/Isotopes & Fuel on the return trip), another one is Alderbran (Luxury Foods) to Al Dhanab (Beer).
    • Alternatively, start as a Cargo mission runner (take delivery missions from Al Dhanab). You have nothing to lose, but an adventure to gain by traveling across the sector.
    • Even the Nomad can fight, once you give it Hawkeye missiles & a Point Defense Mk1. Try to find pirates fighting traders or militia and go for the killing blow with your missiles, you get the credit rewards! Yes, kill-stealing is legit (NPCs often do it to you.. grrr)!
    • I recommend doing the Pyrenees/Melfina trade run, earn some creds and get the Point Defense Mk2 as the first upgrade, before upgrading your ship.
    • Earn some credits, buy a Stiletto Fighter then do missions at the Al Dhanab Guild. Escort missions are quite fun in Star Nomad, since it often turns into a huge brawl with militia forces joining the fray.
    • Yes you can smuggle illegal stuff (Contraband) & sell Exotic Dancers to Pleasure Domes, its highly lucrative but risky.
    • The EMP module is extremely important, used both as offensive & defensive measures. When you encounter a group of enemies on approach, EMP in front of them. Their missiles will fly into the EMP and be destroyed, they will fly into the EMP and their turrets will be knocked out for some time!
    • I highly suggest the Galaxy as an early upgrade for those who wish to partake in trade, smuggling & combat. It’s slightly less effective than the Centurion for combat (1 turret) but its still very good due to twin launchers & strong shields (Shield Boost module scale based on max shields).


    • You can proceed with the story missions in Gemini by talking to Erica Price. The first few missions can be completed with a Stiletto with Mk1 modules (Point Defense Mk2!). The rest can completed with a Centurion or Galaxy with Mk2 modules. The late story missions require more firepower and the briefing will warn you of such.
    • Al Dhanab Guild HQ is balanced for the Stiletto Fighter with Mk1 modules & twin Hawkeye missiles, with good player skill at dog-fighting to avoid being hit, you can handle all the combat missions. Gemini Guild HQ is balanced for Centurion/Galaxy with Mk2 modules, some high reward (25K+) missions are difficult unless you have the Point Defense Mk3.
    • Gemini HQ Combat missions are very lucrative, due to the high reward as well as lots of enemies to kill for bonus credits.
    • Pirate systems are very dangerous, if you seek business there, do it quick, get in & out. Even if you defeat a guardian fleet, reinforcements will come quickly.
      Айвенго нравится это.
  6. Terronezov
    ThisSuXX, я и сам не знаю, какая ссылка у мануала.
    Всё выглядит у меня вот так. И самое неприятное, что сначала надо выключить игру, чтобы потом закрыть вот это дело.
    Ссылки нет, ибо игра не открывает браузер. Мне кажется, это wordpress, ибо на него реагирует так интернет.
    И Zenmate не спасает.
  7. ThisSuXX
    Айвенго, ссылку дай на мануал, у меня "Wordpress" не забанен. Или используй ZenMate и качай сам. :)
  8. Terronezov
    Кишмиш, я и сам хотел бы узнать. Но прикол разработчики и цензоры подкинули знатный: для того, чтобы разобраться в игре не методом проб и ошибок, нужно почитать мануал. Мануал оказался на странице, а страница на worpress'е, который забанили... по какой-то причине. Экстремизм, порнография, все дела... Я не знаю!
    Надеюсь, забанили только у меня. И снимут через какое-то время, как это случилось с deviantart.
  9. Кишмиш
    за что? у меня блог там и у всяких хороших дядек
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