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Book about 3dfx: The Legacy of 3dfx

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем kaiser77_1982, 8 дек 2018.

  1. kaiser77_1982


    8 дек 2018
    As I announced previously, the book will contain exclusive content and I'd like to share two samples with you:


    I wait that you like it :)

    Hi there!!

    I'm preparing the forthcoming publication of a book about 3dfx and the history of 3D computer graphics. On November 25 I presented the book in Retrosevilla Expo 2018 (Seville, Spain) which will also launch a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter that will run until December 31st.

    The book wil be in English and Spanish, and I think this book can be interesting in this forum. This forum helped so much with it.

    I am the writer and I put the message here becuase I don't see it, sorry but I am neebie here. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
    Many thanks :D

    KS: The Legacy of 3dfx / El Legado de 3dfx

    Последнее редактирование: 11 дек 2018
    Кишмиш, Virgil, Sylvius и 2 другим нравится это.
  3. kaiser77_1982


    8 дек 2018
    I add a update :)
  4. Лорд Лотар Мессир ёж

    Лорд Лотар

    12 май 2008
    Interesting indeed.
    Probably moderator should move that thread to International Zone, isn't it, @nilegio?
  5. kaiser77_1982


    8 дек 2018
    Thx Лорд Лотар!!
    Последнее редактирование: 12 дек 2018
  6. kaiser77_1982


    8 дек 2018
    Happy Holidays!!

    To celebrate this holiday season and having exceeding 80% of the campaign goal, I'm delighted to announce the stretch goal "History: 2001-2003", which will cover what happened when 3dfx was acquired by NVIDIA and its effects on the industry, will be included in the book/ebook as a holiday extra.

    All the best, Martín

    Link: The Legacy of 3dfx / El Legado de 3dfx
  7. Goblinit


    18 мар 2011
    Greetings to you, my dear spanish friend Martin!
    Some words to say here if you don't mind.

    So, I have a very contradictory thoughts about your project.
    Without dispute the History is one of the most very important things in our life. Information grows exponentially, more and more often one site replaces another with all the content of the former being replaced with the new one. Doubtlessly your strong efforts to combine all the existing info (including that tedious excavation of web-archieves) about one particular company into one place is a good mission. And here I wish you best of luck now!

    From the other hand, if only we put our shield of glory aside and try to explain all your backers what we are actually doing - that won't be so glorious. Because you're just trying to sell information that's actually chargeless (or simply free like all known wikipedia). One here can just say: "Nothing new here. Not interested."
    However it's hard not to admit that you choose the right way of doing it using 3dfx. Hardly you will negate that 3dfx was and still is a big "hype" all around the Europe, thus giving you a very good start.

    Actually I walked the same way some time ago. My small humble attempt lives here and there (sorry, only in russian - that would be another work worthing a lot of time to translate all the slang into a clear form). That was just about one graphics card and yet gave me a "name". Still that was not a hard step, because I was fond of what I was writing about. Same as you I suppose.
    That "name" gave me possibility to write about something else and I used that with honor (also lives here and there). That didn't had much of success but was accepted mostly positive so I could write another article.

    You see I don't blame you but wish you good luck! You probably will get enough backers. You almost have them now. Just don't stop after that - use your "name" the right way. There were lots of 3D-graphics vendors back there in 1990s that definitly deserve to be written (and printed) about!!

    Hope you won't forget about the only real legacy of 3dfx for customers - geforce fx
    Последнее редактирование: 29 дек 2018
  8. kaiser77_1982


    8 дек 2018
    The KS got the goal, I only can say thanks for your support, and I will try to get and send the book asap.

    Hello Goblinit!!

    I know the history of 3dfx is too long, in fact, I added several points the last week but if someone doesn't write anything, we will never have something. It is very sad when you don't see anything about graphics cards in 18 years.

    In Spain we say: "Nunca conozcas a tus héroes porque te fallaran" (in English must be: if you know your heroes, they will fail you). 3dfx had glory... but 3dfx had so many troubles. My work like writer, it is to write both parts.

    Wikipedia is a good util and it is a good reference, but it doesn't have all info. If someone doesn't understand that, I see normal that they don't want see my (other) proyect.

    Anyway, my book wil have exclusive and rare info. I remember the case of "Voodoo3 4000" or the last days of 3dfx when it was bought by nvidia with others.

    3dfx is the most famous company and it was my "teenager-love" but I would like to do a second part with more companies like Matrox, Rendition, S3... maybe I have in the next years if this book likes.

    I have just read your article, they are good. If you want, you can write me to 3dfxlegacy@gmail.com and we can talk about this. I have tons of TB of info.

    My idea with the book is get a good book with great references, I don't want to get top.

    Happy new year :D

    PS: The last info that I add to my book, it was the Advanced SST and a point about 3dfx in Rusia hehehe
    PS2: I finish the book with GeForceFX
    nop и Goblinit нравится это.
  9. Goblinit


    18 мар 2011
    In fact you are already there. You made it. :hi:

    We could be same age but I managed to get my first 3dfx card (Monster 3D) approximatly in 2006 or even later. Most of our 3dfx-fans did the same way. We here had a very sorrowful times called perestoika. Country was actually in chaos so only just a few of us could afford something like PC.
    kaiser77_1982 нравится это.
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