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Игры для PocketDos

Тема в разделе "PC Игры", создана пользователем Texas27, 6 ноя 2009.

  1. Texas27


    24 авг 2009
    Предлагаю писать сюда в какие игры вам удалось поиграть (а не просто запустить), используя эмулятор Дос'a на кпк. Надеюсь тема будет полезна ;)
  3. Texas27


    24 авг 2009
    This thread is intended to be a place for people to list applications that they have tested successfully (or unsuccessfully) under PocketDOS.

    Note: These titles require VGA support which is only available in PocketDOS v1.09.0 and later. Many of these titles require PocketDOS v1.11.0 to function correctly. The best performance can be achieved when running these applications with no CPU or FPU plug-ins.

    We have tested the following OS's & games inhouse:


    Windows 3.0 : VGA / 186 / EMS (0Mb) or EMM286.EXE (available from our website)
    OpenGEM 5.0 : VGA


    Another World : VGA
    Civilization 1 : VGA / Retrace enabled
    Colonization : VGA / HD
    Commander Keen 1 : VGA
    Commander Keen 4 : VGA
    Corruption : VGA
    DeathTrack USA : VGA / EGA BIOS
    Duke Nukum 1 : VGA
    Dune : VGA
    Elite : VGA
    FlashBack : VGA
    Flight Simulator 4.0 : VGA
    HeroQuest : VGA
    Hugo's House of Horrors : VGA
    Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade : VGA
    Jones in the Fast Lane : VGA / HD
    Kings Quest 1 : VGA
    Leisure Suit Larry 1 : VGA / EGA BIOS
    Leisure Suit Larry 2 : VGA / HD
    Leisure Suit Larry 3 : VGA / HD
    Master of Magic : VGA / HD / EMS (3Mb)
    Master of Orion : VGA / EMS (1Mb)
    Paganitzu : VGA
    Police Quest : VGA / EGA BIOS
    Police Quest III : VGA
    Prince of Persia : VGA
    Railroad Tycoon : VGA
    Secret of Monkey Island : VGA
    Space Quest 1 : VGA / EGA BIOS
    Space Quest 1 (VGA) : VGA / HD
    Space Quest 2 : VGA / EGA BIOS
    Stunt Driver : VGA
    Stunts : VGA
    Test Drive 2 : VGA / HD
    Ultima VI : VGA
    Wizardry - Crusaders of the Dark Savant : VGA / EMS (0Mb)
    Wolfenstein 3D : VGA / 286 / Retrace disabled

    Not Working:
    Populous : Display Corruption
    Spellcasting 101 : Hang

    VGA - indicates that display type must be set to VGA
    HD - indicates that the application must be installed on a hard disk image
    EGA BIOS - indicates EGA BIOS detection must be enabled
    EMS (xMb) - indicates the amount of EMS memory that must be set for the application to work correctly
    186 - indicates that the CPU emulation must be set to 80186
    286 - indicates that the CPU emulation must be set to 80286
    Retrace enabled/disabled - indicates that the "Simulate display retrace" option in the "Settings->Display->Advanced" menu item in PocketDOS must be enabled/disabled

    Some games that worked with the demo.

    Hoyle's Volume 3 Board Games : VGA

    The bottom edge of the screen is cut off when loaded from MSDOS622. The game is a little slow at 400Mhz, and requires that you to sit through its logo screen. It normally goes away quickly, but pocketdos plays this screen very slowly, trying hard to intone the rapid beeps of the Sierra theme.
    Use write-through to prevent lingering graphic fragments and mouse cursors.
    The game looks garish on the desktop but actually looks quite decent on the ppc.

    Hoyles's Classic Card Games : VGA
    Plays perfectly and at good speed too. Use write-through. I could not run this game in MSDOS622 because of insufficient conventional memory. Somehow, DOS could not detect any hma and was loaded low as a result.

    Populous : VGA
    Works fine but slow. I did not play the full game but corruption was only encountered when I tried to start a new game within a game. This did not crash the game and you can continue by clicking on "Start Game".
    The mouse was not working properly: the vertical axis was inline but the horizontal axis is exactly twice as sensitive as the stylus. The cursor lines up on the left edge but moves right at twice the speed as you drag the the stylus across the screen such that the cursor reaches the right edge of the screen when the stylus tip just touches the vertical line down screen center. There used to be a low-res option in the mouse settings that corrects this problem, but that seems to have lost its way to version 1.11.

    Populous 2 : VGA / EMS
    Oddly enough, although the mouse is more sluggish, the game runs faster than Populous. The mouse has the same horizontal misalignment as populous. No gliches seen.

    Update: I found out that the speed issues with pc speaker sound and game speed are due to the CPU timer setting. Contrary to what pocketdos recommends, setting the timer to 1ms actually speeds up the playing of the sierra theme (thus thus reducing wait time to a tolarable 30s) and in-game speed for both Populous and Hoyle's Volume 3 are like 100%.

    Sword of Aragon : VGA / EGA BIOS
    This has the same slow pc beeper problem, and can be reduced by maxing out the CPU timer. On the other hand, you won't ever need to since you can start without sound by typing "sword v" to start the game. You can also play in CGA mode but you have to execute with "sword c".

    Darklands остсутствуют вражеские юниты на тактической карте, что к сожалению делает игру бессмысленной
    Master of magic в игре есть один существенный баг. Касается он передвижения юнитов на глобальной карте. Собственно юниты могут ходить н неограниченное кол-во ходов, к тому же не всегда направление их движения предсказуемо.
    Последнее редактирование: 9 ноя 2009
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