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"Мусорная" куча

Тема в разделе "Обмен играми", создана пользователем Mahuyar, 23 ноя 2006.

  1. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006
    "Мусорная" куча [Обмен][Закачка] [Калининград]

    Dominion - Storm Over Gift 3 - нужен 1-ый диск с рабочими CD-треками...
    Игры на основе худ. литературы - естественно ISO или полные Floppy версии.

    Английские Full-CD версии... 100% рабочие.

    Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Collector's Edition) [Cd]
    Age of Empires (Gold Edition) [Cd]
    Albion [Cd]
    Aliens Versus Predator (Gold Edition) [2 cd]
    Alone in the Dark Trilogy [3 cd]
    American McGee's Alice [2 cd]
    Anvil of Dawn [Cd]
    Archimedean Dynasty [Cd]
    Azrael's Tear [Cd]
    Battle Isle: The Andosia War [Cd]
    Blade of Darkness [Cd]
    Blood [Cd]
    Blood II: The Chosen [Cd]
    Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain [Cd]
    Boioforge [Cd]
    Cannon Fodder [Cd]
    Cannon fodder II (euro cd) [Cd]
    Carmageddon [Cd]
    Clive Barker's Undying [Cd]
    Close Combat III: The Russian Front [Cd]
    Comix Zone [Cd]
    Conqueror: A.D. 1086 [Cd]
    Crusader: No regret [Cd]
    Crusader: No remorse [Cd]
    Dark Seed [Cd]
    Dark Seed II [Cd]
    Death Gate [Cd]
    Death Rally [Cd]
    Descent: Freespace - Silent Threat (add-on) [Cd]
    Descent: Freespace - The Great War [2 cd]
    Deus Ex (Game of the Year Edition) [Cd]
    Diablo Battle Chest (D1&D2+LOD) [5 cd]
    Die by the Sword [Cd]
    Diskworld [Cd]
    Diskworld II: Mortality Bytes! [2 cd]
    Dominion - Storm Over Gift 3 [2 cd] (на 1 диске запороты треки)
    Dragonsphere [Cd]
    Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back [Cd]
    Driver [Cd]
    Duke Nukem 3D [Cd]
    Dungeon Hack [Cd]
    Dungeon Keeper Gold [2 cd]
    Dungeon Keeper II [Cd]
    Earthworm Jim [Cd]
    Earthworm Jim II [Cd]
    Ecstatica [Cd]
    Ecstatica II [Cd]
    Enemy Infestation [Cd]
    Eye of the Beholder Trilogy [Cd]
    F22 Lighting II [Cd]
    F22 Lighting III [Cd]
    Fallout [Cd]
    Fallout II [Cd]
    Fantasy General [Cd]
    Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000 [Cd]
    Flashback: The Quest for Identity [Cd]
    Freespace II [3 cd]
    Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers [Cd]
    Gobliiins [Cd]
    Gobliins II: The Prince Buffoon [Cd]
    Goblins Quest III [Cd]
    G-police [Cd]
    GrandPrix Legend [Cd]
    Grim Fandango [2 cd]
    Gunship [Cd]
    Harvester [3 cd]
    Heart of Darkness [Cd]
    Heimdale 1-2 (off. Release) [Cd]
    Hellfire (add-on) [Cd]
    Heretic II [Cd]
    Hexen: Beyond Heretic [Cd]
    I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream [Cd]
    Inca [Cd]
    Incubation: The Wilderness Missions [Cd]
    Interstate '76 [2 cd]
    Interstate '76: Nitro Pack (add-on) [Cd]
    Interstate '82 [Cd]
    Ishar Trilogy [Cd]
    J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. I [Cd]
    John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles: An Adventure in Terror [2 cd]
    King of Dragon Pass [Cd]
    Lands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny [4 cd]
    Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos [Cd]
    Litlle Divil [Cd]
    Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure) [Cd]
    Little Big Adventure II (Twinsen's Odyssey) [Cd]
    Mageslayer [Cd]
    Magic Carpet II: Netherworlds [Cd]
    Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers [Cd]
    Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (Gold Edition) [Cd]
    Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle [Cd]
    MDK [Cd]
    Mech Commander Gold [Cd]
    MechWarrior 2: The Titanium Trilogy [3 cd]
    Men in Black: The Game [Cd]
    Menzoberranzan [Cd]
    Metal Gear Solid [2 cd]
    Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven [2 cd]
    Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor [2 cd]
    Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit [Cd]
    Nemesis: The Wizardry Adventure [5 cd]
    Newerwinter Nights: Hordes of Underdark (add-on) [Cd]
    Noctropolis [Cd]
    Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus [2 cd]
    Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee [Cd]
    Outcast [2 cd]
    Outlaws [2 cd]
    Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain [Cd]
    Pitfall: Mayan Adventure [Cd]
    Planescape: Tornment [2 cd]
    Privateer 2: The Darkening [3 cd]
    Project IGI [Cd]
    Quake [Cd]
    Quake 2 [Cd]
    Quake Mission Pack No 1: Scourge of Armagon [Cd]
    Quake Mission Pack No 2: Dissolution of Eternity [Cd]
    Ravenloft: Stone Prophet [Cd]
    Ravenloft: Strands Posession [Cd]
    Ripley's Believe It or Not!: The Riddle of Master Lu [Cd]
    Road Rash [Cd]
    Robinson Requiem [Cd]
    Sacrifice [Cd]
    Saga: Rage of the Vikings [Cd]
    Shadow Of The Comet (Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet) [Cd]
    ShadowCaster [Cd]
    Simon the Sorcerer [Cd]
    Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe [Cd]
    SiN [Cd]
    SiN: Wages of Sin [Cd]
    Soldiers at War [Cd]
    Star Trek: Klingon Academy [6 cd]
    StarCraft [Cd]
    StarCraft: Broodwar (add-on) [Cd]
    SW: Dark Forces [Cd]
    SW: Rebellion [Cd]
    SW: Tie Fighter (win) [Cd]
    SW: X-Wing collector series [2 cd]
    Syndicate Plus [Cd]
    TES Adventures: Redguard [2 cd]
    TES: Arena [Cd]
    TES: Daggerfall [Cd]
    Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive [6 cd]
    Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon [4 cd]
    The 7th Guest [2 cd]
    The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble [Cd]
    The Curse of Monkey Island [2 cd]
    The Dig [Cd]
    The Last Express [3 cd]
    The Lawnmower Man [Cd]
    The Legend of Kyrandia [Cd]
    The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate [Cd]
    The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge [Cd]
    The Lemmings Chronicles (All New World of Lemmings) [Cd]
    The Lost Vikings II: Norse by Norsewest [Cd]
    The Secret of Monkey Island [Cd]
    Theme Hospital [Cd]
    Theme Park [Cd]
    Thief Gold [2 cd]
    Thief II: The Metal Age [2 cd]
    Time Commando [Cd]
    Tomb Raider Gold [Cd]
    Tomb Raider II Gold [Cd]
    Torin's Passage [Cd]
    Transport Tycoon DELUX win [Cd]
    Trespasser: Jurassic Park [Cd]
    Trophy bass 2 [Cd]
    Turrican II: The Final Fight [Cd]
    Twigger [Cd]
    Unreal Gold [Cd]
    Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (add-on) [Cd]
    Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness [Cd]
    Warcraft: Orcs and humans [Cd]
    Warhammer: Dark omen [Cd]
    Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat [Cd]
    Warzone 2100 [2 cd]
    Wing commander Armada [Cd]
    Wing Commander II: Deluxe Edition [Cd]
    Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (DVD Edition) [2 dvd]
    Wing Commander Prophecy Gold [4 cd]
    Wing Commander: Privateer [Cd]
    Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga [5 cd]
    Worms [Cd]
    X-Com Collectors Edition [2 cd]
    X-Com: Interceptor [Cd]
    Z [Cd]

    Ultimate RPG Archive [5 cd]
    CD1 – Stonekeep v1.2
    CD2 – The Bards tale 1-3
    The Bards tale construction set
    Dragon Wars
    Ultima Underworld 1-2
    CD3,CD4 – World of Xeen + soundtrack
    CD5 - Wizardry Gold


    Baldurs gate – Tales of the Sword coast (add-on) (rus – Fargus) [Cd]
    Baldurs gate (rus – Fargus) [5 cd]
    Baldurs gate 2 – Throne of Baal (add-on) (rus) [Cd]
    Baldurs gate 2 (rus – Fargus) [4 cd]
    Blade of Darkness (rus - Fargus) [Cd]
    Constructor (rus) [Cd]
    Constructor 2 (rus) [Cd]
    Disney Activity Centr – Lion King (rus) [Cd]
    Disney Activity Centr – Lion King 2 (rus) [Cd]
    Fallout 2 (rus – Fargus) [Cd]
    IceWind Dale – Heart of winter (add-on) (rus) [Cd]
    IceWind Dale (rus) [2 cd]
    Imperialism (rus) [Cd]
    Imperialism 2 (rus) [Cd]
    Majesty + expansion (rus) [Cd]
    Myth (rus) [Cd]
    Myth 2 (rus) [Cd]
    Newerwinter nights (rus) [3 cd]
    Newerwinter nights + Shadows of Undrentide (rus) [2 cd]
    Redguard (rus) [2 cd]
    Saga – Rage of vikings (rus) [Cd] без CD-треков
    Tigra too (rus) [Cd]

    Обмен... ну как говорится "хочу всего и побольше"... НО - жители Калининграда и области - WELCOME!!!... остальным - теперь тоже WELCOME!!! - появилась возможность скачивать\закачивать, что и буду делать на обмен с превеликим удовольствием. А насчет почты - все по старому - чтоб заставить мою ленивую задницу оторваться от кресла и топать на почту - меня надо заинтересовать чем-то хорошим и редким! ;).


    • old games.zip
      Размер файла:
      21,9 КБ
    Последнее редактирование: 23 июн 2008
    Revolter нравится это.
  3. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006

    Conqueror: A.D. 1086 [Cd]
    Death Gate [Cd]
    MechWarrior 2: The Titanium Trilogy [3 cd]
    Simon the Sorcerer [Cd]
    Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe [Cd]
    The Legend of Kyrandia [Cd]
    Alone in the Dark Trilogy [3 cd]
    Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain [Cd]
    Ripley's Believe It or Not!: The Riddle of Master Lu [Cd]
    The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble [Cd]
    The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge [Cd]
    Theme Park [Cd]
    Последнее редактирование: 23 апр 2007
  4. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006
    Ubik [3 cd]
    Aquanox [Cd]
    Armaeth: The Lost Kingdom [Cd]
    Birthright: Gorgon's Alliance [Cd]
    Constructor [Cd]
    Discworld (engl. version) [Cd]
    Diskworld (euro ver.) [Cd]
    Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller [Cd]
    Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft [Cd]
    Betrayal at Krondor [Cd]
    C.I.T.Y. 2000: London [Cd]
    Darklands [Cd]
    Dune [Cd]
    Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty [Cd]
    Metaltech: Earthsiege [Cd]
    Panzer General [Cd]
    Quarantine [Cd]
    Rise of the Triad [Cd]
    Terminal Velocity [Cd]
    The Terminator 2029 - Deluxe CD Edition [Cd]
    The Terminator: Future Shock [Cd]
    The Terminator: Rampage [Cd]
    Transarctica [Cd]
    X-COM: Terror from the Deep [Cd]

    ...список в первом посте больше не обновляю, ибо он стал громоздким и совершенно нечитабельным - новыми постами буду отписываться о новинках...
  5. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006
    Allied General [Cd]
    HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation [Cd]
    Panzer General II [Cd]
    Rama [3 cd]
    Revenant [2 cd]
    Rise of the Dragon [Cd]
    Sid Meier's Civilization [Cd]
    Ultima VIII: Pagan [Cd]
    Wolfenstein 3D [Cd]
    Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga [3 cd]
    Discworld Noir [3 cd]
    Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall [Cd]
    Wings of Glory [Cd]
    Axis & Allies: Iron Blitz [Cd]
    Comanche CD [Cd]
    Demise: Rise of the Ku'tan [Cd]
    Descent to Undermountain [Cd]
    Doom (Collector's Edition) [Cd]
    Hazard [Cd]
    Panzer General III: Unternehmen Barbarossa (German version) [Cd]
    Populous: The Beginning [Cd]
    Populous: The Beginning: Undiscovered Worlds [Cd]
    Shannara [Cd]
    Abuse [Cd]
    Baryon [Cd]
    Blood & Magic [Cd]
    Druid: Daemons of the Mind [Cd]
    H.U.R.L. [Cd]
    Hocus Pocus [Cd]
    Hopkins FBI [Cd]
    In Extremis [Cd]
    Machines [Cd]
    Raptor: Call of the Shadows [Cd]
    Raymond E. Feist's Return to Krondor [2 cd]
    Realms of Arkania III: Shadows Over Riva [Cd]
    Return Fire [Cd]
    Shadoworlds [Cd]
    Stardust [Cd]
    The Even More Incredible Machine [Cd]
    Xargon [Cd]
    Chasm: The Rift [Cd]
    Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus [2 cd]
    Lands of Lore III [4 cd]
    Pizza Tycoon [Cd]
    Mad Dog McCree (DVD Edition) [Dvd]
    Jane's Combat Simulations: Fighters Anthology [2 cd]
    Jane's Combat Simulations: Fleet Command [Cd]
    Jane's Combat Simulations: Longbow Anthology [4 cd]
    Descent I and II: The Definitive Collection [3 cd]
    Descent III [2 cd]
    Descent III: Mercenary (add-on) [Cd]
    SW: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II [2 cd]
    SW: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith (add-on) [Cd]

    Напоминаю - полный список в 1 посте в прикрепленном файле.
    Последнее редактирование: 11 май 2007
  6. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006
    Afterlife [Cd]
    Blade Runner [4 cd]
    Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines [Cd]
    Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty [Cd]
    Touche: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer [Cd]
    Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure [2 cd]
    Blue Ice [Cd]
    Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares [Cd]
    Millennia: Altered Destinies [Cd]
    Siege of Avalon [Cd]
    Warlords: Battlecry [Cd]
    Warlords: Battlecry II [Cd]
    Последнее редактирование: 29 май 2007
  7. Mahuyar Omega-тестер... в запасе...


    2 авг 2006
    Icewind Dale [2 cd]
    Icewind Dale II [2 cd]
    Icewind Dale: Hearth of Winter (add-on) [Cd]
    Black Moon Chronicles [2 cd]
    Cavewars [Cd]
    Drowned God [3 cd]
    Jurassic War [Cd]
    Master of Dimensions [Cd]
    Eternam [Cd]
    Genewars [Cd]
    Into the Void [Cd]
    Turok: Dinosaur Hunter [Cd]
    War Wind [Cd]
    Zapitalism Deluxe [Cd]
    Myth: The Fallen Lords [Cd]
    Myth: Total Codex [3 cd]
    The Horde [Cd]
    Three Dirty Dwarves [Cd]
    Warlords III: Darklord Rising [Cd]
    Anachonox [2 cd]
    Kingdom O'Magic [2 cd]
    KKND: Krush Kill 'n Destroy Xtreme [Cd]
    Stellar 7 [Cd]
    The Lords of Tantrazz [Cd]
    Final Fantasy VII [4 cd]
    Jane's Combat Simulations: WWII Fighters [Cd]
    Lords of Magic: Special Edition [Cd]
    NetStorm: Islands at War [Cd]
    Hexplore [Cd]
    Jutland [Cd]
    Killing Time [Cd]
    Mad Dog McCree [Cd]
    One Must Fall 2097 [Cd]
    Summoner [2 cd]
    The House of the Dead [Cd]
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 [Cd]
    Trial by Magic [Cd]
    Zone Riders [Cd]
    BloodNet [Cd]
    Carmageddon Splat Pack (add-on) [Cd]
    Cyberwar [3 cd]
    Deus [Cd]
    Shadow Man [Cd]
    System Shock [Cd]
    The Settlers II (Gold Edition) [Cd]
    Whale's Voyage [Cd]
    Starship Titanic (DVD Edition) [Dvd]
    Tex Merphy: Overseer (DVD Edition) [Dvd]
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