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Wave of Darkness (Legends of Dawn sequel)

Тема в разделе "PC Игры", создана пользователем Iggy_Dreamatrix, 28 фев 2015.

  1. Iggy_Dreamatrix


    28 фев 2015
    Hi all,

    First of all, I apologize I'm not writing in Russian (I would be grateful if someone could translate my post :-P ).

    Anyway, to be as frank as I can, I came here to let you know we are working on a Legends of Dawn sequel, and it's called Wave of Darkness, and we started the Kickstarter campaign three days ago. The state of campaign has been very encouraging so far.


    Players can follow the strict path of the plot, complete main quests until the end or, unlike so many titles, in Wave of Darkness they are truly completely free to wander around, to explore every corner of the Danian’s land, meet various NPCs, complete side quests and puzzles, fight dangerous adversaries etc. Gamers will have to put an effort in finding out what to do and how to do it. As soon as they pass short tutorial the game will let go of player’s hand leaving him to learn and grow by their own effort.


    With over 70 hours of gameplay, in a world of considerable size, gamers will appreciate playing Wave of Darkness without hundreds of annoying loading screens, thanks to Dreamatrix streaming engine.


    Wave of Darkness is a complex title with deep, engaging gameplay and hundreds of features. Although the game is in final stages of development, in order to make it even more attractive and addictive a lot of balancing, polishing and other small improvements are needed. Such ambitious target can be achieved by the indie developer only with the help of the gaming community.

    I reached your forum because I found you previously reviewed Legends of Dawn, so I hope you guys can somehow help us to spread the word.

    Even the small Facebook post, a Tweet, a shout-out can mean HUGE for us.

    Thanks for your time.
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