Весь этот груз игр из серии "надо бы поиграть", без оглядки на "у меня нет этих и тех платформ". А также,, срыв покровов. "Кишмиш, как ты мог все еще не играть в это!"
Betrayal at Krondor, Blood, Darkseed, Full Throttle, Sid Meier's Civilization, System Shock 1, Age of Empires, Bad Mojo, Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain , Dungeon Keeper 1-2, Heroes of Might and Magic (любые), Interstate '76, Neverhood (а вот сиквел-платформер играл), Baldur's Gate 1-2, Diablo 1-2, Grim Fandango, Ground Control, Homeworld, Icewind Dale 1-2, Jagged Alliance 2, King of Dragon Pass , Messiah , Nocturne, No One Lives Forever 1-2, Planescape Torment (хаха), Sacrifice , The Longest Journey , Turok 1-3, Age of Mythology, Arx Fatalis, Black & White, Bloodrayne 1-2, Call of Duty... (любая), Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Evil Genius , Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion , Far Cry, F.E.A.R., Gothic 1-2, Mafia, Max Payne 2, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Периметр, PoP: Sands of Time, Rome: Total War , Sacred, Star Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic (и вообще игры по ЗВ) , The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, The Movies, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory , Dead Space, Mount & Blade, Alpha Protocol, Braid, Dragon Age: Origins, Disciples (любая), Mirror's Edge, Alpha Prime, Antichamber, Contrast, Deathtrap Dungeon, The Last Remnant, Tropico 4, Velvet Assasin, Freedom Fighters, Project Eden, Bad Day on the Midway, Blade Runner, Discworld Noir, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, Condemned: Criminal Origins, The Dark Eye, Circuit's Edge, Eric the Unready, Realms of the Haunting, Time Commando, OFF, Escape or Die Trying
Apidya , Black Crypt, Onslaught, Perihelion: The Prophecy, The Chaos Engine, Lionheart
Mega Drive:
Beyond Oasis, Landstalker , Langrisser II, Light Crusader , Phantasy Star 2-4, Ranger-X , Shadowrun , Shining Force II.
Mega CD:
Android Assault, Earthworm Jim Special Edition (играл простого, не спешал), Lunar: The Silver Star , Mansion Of Hidden Souls , Rise of the Dragon.
ActRaiser 2, Donkey Kong Country 1-3, E.V.O. Search for Eden, Earthbound, Firemen, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, Phantom 2040, Pocky & Rocky , Secret of Mana , Wild Guns, Bahamut Lagoon, Clock Tower, Front Mission: Gun Hazard, Live A Live, Majyuuou (чутка начинал но дааавнооо), Rendering Ranger: R2, Romancing SaGa 3, Shin Megami Tensei 1-2, Umihara Kawase, Hagane, Chaos Seed, Hourai Gakuen no Bouken
Atari Jaguar:
Alien vs. Predator, Defender 2000, Tempest 2000, Battlemorph
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Slayer, Lucienne's Quest, Return Fire, Twisted, Immercenary, Killing Time, Ballz
PC Engine CD, PC-FX:
Beyond Shadowgate , Cho Aniki , Exile , Lords of Thunder, Rayxanber III, Kaze Kiri, Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight
Sega Saturn:
NiGHTS...into DREAMS, Silhouette Mirage, Clockwork Knight , Mr Bones, Psychic Killer Taromaru, Assault Suit Leynos 2, Guardian Heroes, Burning Rangers, Bulk Slash, Panzer Dragoon (все), Rabbit, Fighters Megamix, Last Bronx, Albert Odyssey – Legend of Eldean, Shining The Holy Ark, Thor: Seirei Ou Kiden, Dragon Force, Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, Black/Matrix, Culdcept, Dark Savior, Purikura Daisakusen , Linda Cubed (если сделают перевод), Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV, Cyber Doll
Aconcagua (перевод бы), Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere , Akuji The Heartless, Elemental Gearbolt, Final Fantasy IX, Front Mission 3, Galerians, Grandia, Gungage, Heart of Darkness, Jersey Devil, серия Kagero, King's Field 1/3, Koudelka, Legend of Dragoon, Omega Boost, Pandemonium 2, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, Sentinel Returns, Silent Bomber, Shadow Tower 1, Suikoden 2, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, Threads of Fate, UFO: A day in the life, Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Vandal Hearts, Xenogears, Zanac X Zanac, Echo Night 1, Fear Effect 1-2, Hell Night, Juggernaut, Overblood, Lattice: 200EC7, Vanark, Elder Gate, Brahma Force, Soul of the Samurai, Nightmare Creatures 2, Incredible Crisis
GoldenEye 007, Hybrid Heaven , Jet Force Gemini, Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers , Sin & Punishment
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future , Elemental Gimmick Gear, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver , L.O.L.: Lack Of Love, San Fransisco Rush 2049 , Segagaga, Shenmue II, Skies of Arcadia
Fatal Frame 1-3, Rule of Rose, 10 000 bullets, Berserk, Bujingai, Contra: SL, Crimson Sea 2, Crimson Tears, DMC 1/3 (да), Genji, Ghosthunter, Ghost in the Shell, GDF, Gungrave, Nightshade, Primal, Sub Rebellion, Sword of Destiny, Oz, Transformers Armada, Zone of Enders: Anubis, Chulip, Disaster Report, Dracan: TAG, Firefighter FD18, Glass Rose, Raw Danger, Darkwatch, TimeSplitters 2/FP, Black, Urban Chaos: Riot Responce, SDF Macross, SLAI, R.A.D., AC 3/SL/N/LR, Eternal Poison, FF 10/10-2/12 (ды-а), King's Field 4, Rogue Galaxy, Stella Deus, Digital Devil Saga 1-2, SMT Nocturne, Raidou Kuzunoha 1-2, Steambot Chronicles, Yakuza 1-2, Downhill Damnation, Iron Triangle, Ring of Red, MGS 2-3, Under the Skin, ChainDive , GrimGrimoire, Kinetica, Klonoa 2, Samurai Western, Shadow Hearts 1-3, Shadow of Rome, SkyGunner, Way of the Samurai 1-2, Trapt, Clock Tower 3, Hungry Ghosts, Enthusia, Kengo, The Overwhelming Hell, Remote Control Dandy SF, Buzin 0: Wizardry Alternative Neo, Kofuku Sosakan
Advance Guardian Heroes, Advance Wars 1-2, Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand, Drill Dozer, Golden Sun, Riviera: The Promised Land, Scurge: Hive, Klonoa Heroes: Densetsu no Star Medal , Mother 3, Iridion II, Oriental Blue: Ao no Tengai
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean , Baten Kaitos: Origins, Billy Hatcher and The Giant Egg, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem , F-Zero GX, Geist, Lost Kingdoms 2, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System , Metroid Prime 1-2, P.N.03 , Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Pikmin 2, Resident Evil Zero, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader , Super Mario Sunshine , Odama, Doshin the Giant, Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde, GiFTPiA
Breakdown , Conker Live & Reloaded, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, Dead or Alive Ultimate, GunValkyrie, Jade Empire , Jet Set Radio Future, Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes, Metal Wolf Chaos , Ninja Gaiden Black, Otogi 1-2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Phantom Dust, Blinx 1-2, Murakumo , Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal, Crimson Sea
Nintendo DS:
Aliens: Infestation, Chrono Trigger DS (играл СНЕСовскую без new game+), Contact, The Dark Spire, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West, The Legend of Kage 2, Metroid Prime Hunters, Nanashi no Geemu, Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, Simple DS Series Vol.18 - The Soukou Kihei Gun Ground, Sonic Rush, Theresia, Umihara Kawase Shun Second Edition Kanzenban, Another Code: Two Memories
Bullet Witch, Dead or Alive 4 (арены лучше чем в пятой?), Virtual-On Force, EDF 2017, Forza Horizon, Infinite Undiscovery, Kameo: Elements of Power, Ninja Gaiden II, WarTech: Senko no Ronde, Geon: Emotions, Shadow Complex, Tenchu Z, Operation Darkness
The 3rd Birthday, Crimson Gem Saga , Darius Burst, Daxter, Final Fantasy Type-0, Gladiator Begins, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, GTA Stories, Gripshift, Half-Minute Hero, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law , Jeanne D'Arc, Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble, Knights in the Nightmare, Mercury Meltdown, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, MotorStorm: Arctic Edge, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Valkyria Chronicles 2-3, The Warriors, Warhammer 40K Squad Command, Wild Arms XF, Yggdra Union, Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman, Elminage Original, Hammerin' Hero, Grand Knights History, Field Commander
de Blob, Deadly Creatures, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Epic Mickey, Fatal Frame IV, Fragile Dreams, Lost in Shadow , Opoona, Pandora's Tower, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, Shiren the Wanderer, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, Super Paper Mario, Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories, Earth Seeker
PS3 (включая мультиплатформу):
Armored Core Verdict Day (когда доберусь, онлайн поди уйдет в небытие, хех), Brütal Legend, Catherine, Condemned 2: Bloodshot, DeS (эх, ёмаё), Dragon's Crown, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Folklore, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, Nier, Drakengard 3, Resonance of Fate, Vanquish, Wangan Midnight, Yakuza 3 (и дальше, но локалайз гдеееее), Akiba's Trip, Natural Doctrine
Kid Icarus: Uprising, Resident Evil: Revelations, Sayonara Umihara Kawase, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Crimson Shroud, Shinobi 3D
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Lego City Undercover, ZombiU
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, Dokuro, Muramasa Rebirth, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Gravity Rush, Tearaway, Virtue's Last Reward, Deception IV, Shinobido 2, TxK, Lumines Electronic Symphony, Hohokum, Metrico, htoL#NiQ, Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines + из еще не вышедших: Axiom Verge, Murasaki Baby, Pavilion, еще что-то
В общем, как-то, совсем дофига всего.![]()
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