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Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare - Restoration Music [ Mod | Patch ]

Тема в разделе "Мастерская", создана пользователем Улахан Тойон, 1 окт 2015.


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  1. Sound_power


    11 фев 2024
    So the way to go is to obtain samples from the DC version? is this mandatory? Nothing can be done with the Sound2 folder tracks from the PC version that´s worth the time?

    What about locating the CyberFront Japanese version? Isn´t this route worth pursuing?

    Did not understand the thing about left/right samples? you mean the stereo field? is the PSX and DC version summing them to mono or what? PC version has a setting for Mono or Stereo in-game.

    Have you seen the video I shared in my previous message? Could this direction be more feasible and maybe we could colaborate with Gemini? What do you think.
    Последнее редактирование: 11 фев 2024
  2. Улахан Тойон

    Улахан Тойон

    23 сен 2015
    Dreamcast no sound and sound2 folder, dialog folders are all there.

    Two Japanese bloggers refused to give images of their disk, all sorts of lawmaker restrictions in their country.

    No, they are mixed or blended to recreate - hardware amp effect. Both linked on L and R inside executables PSX and DC.

    He's using wrapper, instead of original sounds, he plays his own music. PC sound driver is Miles Sound System, which can't software play most effects from PSX and DC.
  3. Sound_power


    11 фев 2024
    So where are the sound samples stored then? is it worth it pursuing this route?

    AND, yes, for what I understand, piracy seems to be heavily punished in Asian Territories, too bad they would not share this with you, I tried to obtain a Disc Image through a japanese service called "Perfect Dark" which is a sort of P2P sharing service (kinda like old time eMule) but could not make the software work, also scoured some Torrent japanese sites but no luck, still, looking at the CyberFront video again, I don´t hear that much music improvement, are you sure that version has the music fixed?

    I also tried to find the German edition for PC, so I can apply the German Patch you mentioned and see if it fixes music, but could not find it.

    Still don´t understand, sorry, aren´t the MIDI calls for envelope, reverb, for example, supossed to be on diferent CC MIDI Channels?

    So you think he´s taking/intercepting the MIDI calls directly from the game running... then sending them to another MIDI Player with a SoundFont? If so, isn´t this route a good one?
    Последнее редактирование: 12 фев 2024
  4. Улахан Тойон

    Улахан Тойон

    23 сен 2015
    I don't know, completely baffled.
    I wrote it here: Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare - Restoration Music [ Mod | Patch ]
    Deutsch patch doesn't muted music and ambient sound during video cutscenes like in PSX version. Doesn't skip Infogrames and Darkworks logos at launch, like PSX.
    A little background, PSX sound samples (not streaming files) are stored in Mono channel. To create stereo channel, they split them into different files - Left channel sample and Right channel sample. In our case, composers decided to store two separate sounds instead of stereo channel, different lengths of audio files with different effect amplitudes (example, pink noise and brown noise | white noise and blue noise).
    He's foremost expert on the topic. I've used many of his projects. For example, Dino Crisis Classic REbirth and Resident Evil 1-3 Classic REbirth to play modern hardware.
  5. -Alexandr-


    20 янв 2020
    Всем привет! Подскажите, насколько в принципе реально исправить музыку в PS2-версии игры? Ну или хотя бы в ПК, возможно ли это хотя бы в каком-то виде?
  6. xD34DL1N3Rx


    20 апр 2024
  7. Улахан Тойон

    Улахан Тойон

    23 сен 2015
    @xD34DL1N3Rx, I bought it twice from Yahoo! Japan Shopping, and those two times was lost in transit and shipping customs, even sellers couldn't get the items back. This was intermittently in 2011 and 2013. No other purchases from Yahoo! Japan Shopping have ever been lost. Some kind of mystique.
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