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Divine Divinity

Тема в разделе "Игры на сайте", создана пользователем Juliette, 19 сен 2008.

  1. betelgeuse


    7 ноя 2024
    It is "Skyrim in 2D" as people say. It immerses you into some nice looting and freedom.
    A lot of good reviews so you can read those to know the "good" parts of the game.

    I will be the black sheep here and be honest to tell the "bad" stuff. I like the game for what it is BUT:

    * Controls are just wrong. Battles are clunky. If you die in this game it will be probably because of bad controls, the character running where it wasn't supposed to, and things like that.

    * If you for example leave the "pick lock" skill (or others) selected and forget to change it to "heal" and enter a battle; you will end up locked without moving with the pick lock cursor until you somehow make it deactivate the skill (click or press keys until the skill deactivates). By that time you are probably dead. Mind this comment is for when you are in a hurry. There is no "right click to cancel" and ESC shows the main menu. In fact, right click activates the skill.

    * Sometimes your view is obscured by building walls. There is no setting to make those transparent or the game making them disappear automatically to clean your sight.

    * There are no potions or skills shortcut keys. You are in trouble? you better run away and FAR because enemies follow you.

    * Since the game is clunky with controls there is the need to hold CTRL every time you attack to make sure you select the closest target. So you end up having to hold CTRL to attack most of the times or you will end up moving when you didn't wanted to if "simple clicking" when enemies approach.

    * There is no option to make tags of items remain like in most ARPGs, you have to hold ALT. Surprise, you hold ALT and the game freezes until you click or ALT again, its a bug; not sure if due to modern systems or a bug of the game itself. The solution: either use ALTGR (right alt) OR use your keyboard software (if available) to remap left ALT to ALTGR.

    * Even if you press ALT to show item tags, picking them up is a pain.You cannot just click the tag, that would be too generous in this game. The game has a mechanic that lets you grab items to move them. What happens is that most items get "dragged" instead of "picked up".

    * Save VERY often, since there is no autosave and death is always around the corner, sometimes in completely unfair ways that you cannot see it coming.

    If you are decided to play this game, go ahead, it will be rewarding if you can endure its failure in the QoL and controls. It is ideal for a rainy day and headphones. Sadly I could say it is poorly designed, paying more attention to the lovely pixel art than how the game plays, and this is core feature that they put on the player's shoulders almost ruining the experience. If the game was just a little better with controls instead of punishing the player, I would love it.
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