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Fallout: New Vegas

Тема в разделе "PC Игры", создана пользователем Dark Sol, 26 авг 2009.

  1. pct


    25 окт 2009
    DKr, я просто купил у пацана архимед, квест был завален и даже не появлялся, вступить в братство (значит и освоить мехброню) не получалось. скачал лекарство с плейграунд, квест про дальномер так и не появился, но в братство я вступил.
  2. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    Квест дают только с Вероникой. Говорят, после покупки архимеда можно еще один украсть у того же пацана. На выходных попробую заиметь третий.
  3. Dark Sol forever collecting

    Dark Sol

    17 мар 2007
    Потратишь целые выходные на это ? лол
  4. Birm


    11 июн 2010
    Вобще-то у этого квеста аж три варианта решения и дальномер отдавать не обязательно.
  5. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    В каком смысле?
  6. Dark Sol forever collecting

    Dark Sol

    17 мар 2007
    Ну я просто к тому что ..прозвучало так как будто ты готов потратить ажно целый выходной только чтобы ВОЧТОБЫТОНИСТАЛО найти это третий абсолютно нафиг не нужный пистолетик :crazy:
  7. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    Просто ты примерил ситуацию лично к себе. Я играю на выходных, в будни у меня слишком мало времени.
  8. Dark Sol forever collecting

    Dark Sol

    17 мар 2007
    Ты тупишь.. Я это к тому что НАХРЕНА третий архимед гад то вообще?
  9. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    Из спортивного интереса. Один сдам по квесту, другой продам, третий потеряю.
  10. Dark Sol forever collecting

    Dark Sol

    17 мар 2007
    А... ну ради этого стоит потратит выходной... ага.... :)
  11. pct


    25 окт 2009
    DKr, купил пистолет, взял веронику, вкалывал за братство, после нного квеста (уже не помню какого) возвращаешься к старейшине и ...все, старейшина не засчитывает прошлый квест. только лекарством вылечил, посвятили в братство, дали мехброню. наверно если есть лекарство , то эта проблема не только у меня.
  12. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    А на виртуальных тренажерах БС показывают кусочек третьего фолла, ту виртуалку, где папу прятали под видом собаки. Где они там тренируются убивать, интересно?
  13. pct


    25 окт 2009
    они отрабатывают вторжение китайцев.
  14. Timur late night douche



    22 май 2007
    ОМАЙГАДДЕБЛ, я прошел это забагованное говно, полученное перевариванием багов, жареных на баговом масле первого отжима, поваром по фамилии Багов.

    Честно - без консол-комманд не прошел бы. Теперь я умею засуммонивать НПЦ как истинный мастер, ибо а чё они не появляются када надо.

    Я такой забагованности не видел ваще никогда. На фоллвикии баги подробно описаны и классифицированы. У каждого квеста в содержании есть подраздел Bugs, что кагбэ символизирует.

    Я не представляю как приставочники ее проходят - у них-то консоли нет (~ которая).
    Dark Sol и Wolf Grey нравится это.
  15. Sharp_ey терять и врать



    23 сен 2006
    Готика 3.
  16. Teron Lifeslayer Malkavian

    Teron Lifeslayer

    14 ноя 2004
    Мда, почитав о багах появилось стойкое желание отложить игру на годик... а то и на два.
  17. DKr


    11 мар 2008
    Лучше в бета-тестеры иди, у тебя явный талант. Из багов видел только застрявшего в камне скорпиона.
  18. VorteX DrAgON Троллей не кормлю, сами сдохнут.

    VorteX DrAgON


    20 сен 2004
    Teron Lifeslayer, ты Тимура слушай больше, так вообще желание играть отпадёт.
  19. pct


    25 окт 2009
    Прошел 2 раза, баги послабее чем просто в Fallout 3(там у меня зависание посреди монолога непися было обычным делом), а на практически все существующие есть лекарства (Weathered 10 mm Pistol Fix к примеру).
  20. Timur late night douche



    22 май 2007
    Узнаю старый-добрый ОГ. Отрицаем очевидное. Вот вам короткий баг-лист ОДНОГО квеста - Beyond the Beef:


    *Ted Gunderson may become stuck in combat mode, and will not follow you through area transitions. To correct, fast travel to The Strip North Gate, Ted should appear shortly. When re-entering the Strip, be cautious as Ted does not have a passport and will be shot by security if you do not make it to the gate fast enough.

    *If you are working with the Legion, and leave Boone in the freezer as a substitute meal, make sure you kill him before locking him in. "Back" him up into the freezer, kill him, return the Gundersen kid to his father, & then tell Mortimer. If you do not kill Boone first, even if you hire another companion after he's been eaten, when you go to the Legion camp, you will be perceived as hostile and attacked on sight.

    *If you choose to leave Boone in the freezer, you will not receive his ending as if you had never met him. This happens whether he is dead or alive when locked in. May be true for the other human companions as well, only tested with Boone.

    *If you go into the Penthouse Suite upon completion of the quest, two identical 'Gundersons Hired Hand' NPC's will be inside. They will follow you around the suite with their guns drawn, but will not attack. They will not be there with you when you leave the suite, but will when you re-enter. (They spawn further into the suite, and will not be with you as soon as you come out of the elevator) You can attack both NPC's and they wont retaliate, and you will not gain negative karma for doing so. Both NPC's carry caravan shotguns and some ammo, which can be looted from their bodies once dead.

    *There is a possible bug where if the player completes 'the courier that broke the bank' trophy, and becomes hostile to the White Gloves, upon entering the Ultra-Luxe casino floor the game will freeze every time.

    * If you choose to leave Boone in the freezer as a substitute, you will be perceived hostile by the NCR no matter your status you can equip NCR uniform to negate this issue. You will no longer be able to recruit Arcade as a companion, the dialogue option does not appear.

    *Entering the Ultra-Luxe and immediately attacking can result in a very interesting questing experience. There is no conversation option to leave the casino - the player must either surrender their weapons or attack the guard. If the player chooses to attack the guard, the casino section will become hostile and attack - but not the rest of the hotel. All quest NPCs will remain friendly. The player can proceed with the quest normally, although Marjorie may become hostile at random, causing some resolutions to be impossible. Additionally, Heck Gunderson will not have the conversation options necessary for him to give you the shotgun and proceed to kill the White Gloves. The player can bring Ted Gunderson back to resolve the quest, but cannot convince Heck to rampage through the casino.

    * If Mortimer begins to walk away in the middle of his speech, only standing in front of him and getting wailed on until he is done will prevent failing the quest. Armour with a good damage threshold is recommended as the constant barrage of dress canes reduces health and cripples limbs quite quickly.

    * You may enter the Dining Room with Ted (Mortimer will be in the middle of speech), leave the Room right away, enter the Room again (no speech heard) and start talking to Mortimer immediately.

    * It is recommended to leave ED-E somewhere safe when releasing Ted due to a bug causing the White Glove Society members attacking your companions instead of Mortimer if you chose the Attack path after his speech.

    * If you experience a lot of crashes on the PC version within the Ultra-Luxe, try sending all of your companions back to the Lucky 38.

    * Choosing to pistol whip Carlyle St. Clair [Guns 45] can cause him to die and the quest to be marked as a failure.

    * If the character gets the recipe from Phillipe, pickpockets him for it, or even kills him, the mission arrow will always point to him and never to the stove, which is used to cook the recipe.

    * If you speak to Mortimer but do not lie about cannibalism, that speech option disappears and you cannot then get the 3 keys he offers when you help him. Luckily you can pickpocket him and get the kitchen key, which prevents the infamy gain you'd otherwise get picking the kitchen door. (I never managed to take the freezer key though, so if you want to take that route follow the above closely!!)

    *When waiting to meet the investigator's contact, Chauncey, in the bath house, the game crashes. Use wait and quick save frequently to work around it. It's confirmed that with or without companions this is likely to happen for different reasons, so quick save often and try to stay as little as possible in the steam room (enter the room only at 4PM or little after and go straight to him) Update: There is a mod at http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37351 which fixes the crashes/lockups at the bath house. (tested working) Author Notes: All this file does is lower the water level in the bath to prevent the NPCs from swimming. I'm not sure why this was causing the game to freeze, but it appears to have solved the problem.

    *Completing the conversation with Chauncey and attempting to leave the Bathhouse through the north-eastern door to the Casino Floor locks the game en route. Loading an older save (prior to entering the Ultra-Luxe) and going through the quest again from the beginning did not resolved the issue. Somehow circumvented by either constantly quick-saving or not looting either Chauncey or the Assassin, or both.

    *If you sneak into the kitchen of the White Glove Society prior to starting Heck's quest, it still allows you to drug the wine and call the head waiter down. If you do this, and then start the quest, you are now unable to do a few of the optional objectives that involve drugging the wine and calling the head waiter down. However, the quest is still able to be completed.

    *If you don't pick the dialog option when speaking to Chauncey asking about "other suggestions for freeing Ted" you will NOT get the additional option to prepare the fake meal to oust Mortimer. The oven will not be accessible to make the fake strange meat pies and you will not be able to call down the Head Waiter to pick up the fake strange meat pies. The only options left will be to kill everyone on your way out or drug the wine to sneak past.

    *If you left your NPC's in the kitchen area and attempt to go back to retrieve them without taking Ted to his father first, Ted's AI might bug out and he'll go retrieve a weapon in the basement. Then stand still in an attack pose refusing to follow you. And if you bring your NPC's up to the White Glove Society room without being a member (after dealing with Mortimer) they will be hostile to your NPC's and begin attacking.
    o A fix is to simply "Wait" (T) for one hour before you try to bring him through a door, as he will then temporarily holster his weapon and proceed through doors normally.

    * If Ted cannot follow you (you enter a different room and he does not follow) simply go to the room where his father is and type the following into the console: prid 10d4f0 and hit enter. Then type moveto player and Ted will appear.
    o Or type the following into the console: set "0010d2c6".bTedFollowing to 1 and hit enter.

    * If you kill everyone and find Ted in the kitchen, when you bring him back to his father, you'll get the same dialogue as if you were starting the quest.
    * After framing Heck Gunderson, when the securitron confronts him, if you leave the area during their conversation and come back they will not finish it and just stand together from then on.
    * Just after starting the quest, when the Courier is sent to talk to Marjorie, she can become "stuck" in the Members Only Section dining area, preventing quest progression (this problem has also been reported on the PC version). Assuming for whatever reason that it is not possible to load an earlier save, the easiest way to progress from here is to pickpocket a white glove and take their Members Key. Then get a Stealth Boy and sneak into the Members Only section. Although it is filled with enemies, Marjorie remains friendly, so sneak over to her, leave sneak and immediately initiate speech, then drop back into sneak mode after the conversation is finished. Leaving sneak mode will cause all enemies in the area to get up from their seats and immediately start searching for you, but if you use a stealth boy it is possible to remain hidden until "Caution" is replaced by "Hidden", allowing you to leave the area and continue the quest as normal (talking to Marjorie causes her to return to her welcome desk outside the Gourmand).

    * Sometimes the remains from Ted Gunderson are not provided after killing him. You can add the samples via the console with: player.additem 00125AF1 1

    * The Securitron sent to apprehend Heck Gunderson will be a Mk I variety even if you've upgraded the Securitrons to Mk II software.

    (It is possible that occasional White Gloves through the hotel will remain hostile to you after you leave the Members Only Section. For this reason I would recommend leaving all companions behind, and relying on stealth boy/melee stealth kills to deal with them. If the hostile White Gloves attack, all other White Gloves will turn hostile.)

    * After you send the fake human meat up, you are supposed to head up

    * Sometimes, when reuniting Ted and Heck a White Glove Society member behind a roulette table will be knocked unconscious.

    * If you convince Ted to follow you, and go to the Ultra-Luxe Penthouse, he will immediately turn hostile.
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