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French translation of Crime City

Тема в разделе "International Zone", создана пользователем hrvg54, 4 май 2023.

  1. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    I can not find these images of the places on the maps in KIT.EXE files.
    I started again with GBS and nada.

    I put :
    CGA #1
    Bits per pixel: 1
    Height: 4320
    Width: 1 --> 155
    I have not found anything.
    Bits per pixel: 4
    Height: 4320
    Width: 155 --> 1
    I have not found anything.

    Can you help me please?
    We cannot publish this translation if these images are not translated.

    Hello Uka,
    The person I knew on the Italian site has left us.
    Uka нравится это.
  2. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    I took your explanations. I had not seen the "Data mode" tab.
    I looked at the "LIB.CRN.bin" file and could see the cursor arrows.

    I opened "KIT.EXE" and I put this:
    Palette => EGA.
    Height => 4320
    Width => 16

    And I looked at the width of 1 --> 59 with Graphic-planar, Row-planar and Byte-planar.
    I stopped at 59 for the width, otherwise I couldn't set "Starting bit".
    I did not find the names of the places on the map ...
    It is impossible to find. There are too many parameters. In any case, I am unable to find these images.


    • crime 20.png
      crime 20.png
      Размер файла:
      52,6 КБ
  3. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    I made another mistake, as usual... :whistling: I entered the wrong file for the names of the places on the map. It was the CRIME.SPR file and not KIT.EXE."crime_30.png")

    I know a person who will be happy, look at the date of his request for the translation of this game:
    Traduction de Crime City - Abandonware Forums

    And all the merit goes to you, because without your help, your explanations and especially your patience. This translation could never have been done, thank you.

    There are three remaining bugs:
    1) I think there is a bug. When the character receives this message: "Warning. You are very tired."
    If the character continues to move around the map... The screen goes black.
    I send you the English game (same bug). You have to load the save and go to the map.

    2) There is a bug When we go to the stock market on the computer. We can buy more than 999 shares... But we lose the shares that are above 999.
    I send you the save:
    3) When you're on the computer and on the stock market. The sentences overlap when you click on QUIT. (See screenshot "crime_31.png")

    These bugs are in the original version. It would be great if you could fix these bugs. You did miracles with "Captive". Is it possible with this game?

    There is also the movement of the hour digits to be moved to the left. I looked for where those numbers were, but I couldn't find them. (See screenshot "crime_32.png")

    I thank you again for your help.


    • crime_30.png
      Размер файла:
      58,5 КБ
    • crime_31.png
      Размер файла:
      33,5 КБ
    • crime_32.png
      Размер файла:
      45,5 КБ
  4. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    @ Uka,

    I am preparing the file for our Spanish friends. I'll send it when I get permission from oFF_rus to donate his graphics tool. . And I found French texts in their game. I would like to know if you have the same error in your Spanish game.

    Can you check with hex editor if you have these French sentences (screenshot) in the Spanish KIT.EXE file, please?
    Where can you send me this Spanish KIT.EXE file only?


    • error 1.png
      error 1.png
      Размер файла:
      70,6 КБ
  5. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    Time is displayed as 4 digits, with unique offset for every digit (if hours < 10, then first digit is not drawn)

    Change this values (you have to experiment to find best place for time string):

    0000A3EE: 8A
    0000A404: 90
    0000A414: 9C
    0000A421: A2
    hrvg54 нравится это.
  6. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020
    It is excellent... :good:
    Thank you for your help.


    • hour.png
      Размер файла:
      71 КБ
  7. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    00007766: AB BB
    00007779: AB BB
    hrvg54 нравится это.
  8. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020
    It is excellent... :good:
    You are an exceptional person... You fix all the bugs or other problems.
    I thank you very much for your help.
    Последнее редактирование: 7 авг 2023
  9. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    I changed order of operations in this function.

    - pay for new shares
    - add new shares
    - cap number of shares to 999

    after fix:
    - calculate how many shares we can buy before hitting 999 cap (999 - current number)
    - cap desired shares number to maximum number we can buy
    - pay for capped desired number of shares
    - add new shares

    00009449: D1 B1
    0000944A: E0 03
    0000944B: D1 D3
    0000944D: D1 03
    0000944E: E0 F0
    0000944F: 03 B8
    00009450: F0 E7
    00009451: 8B 03
    00009452: 04 2B
    00009453: BB 44
    00009454: 00 04
    00009455: 00 39
    00009456: 3D 06
    00009457: 64 1C
    00009458: 00 4F
    00009459: 7C 76
    0000945A: 06 03
    0000945B: 2D A3
    0000945C: 64 1C
    0000945D: 00 4F
    0000945E: 43 8B
    0000945F: E2 2E
    00009460: F5 1C
    00009461: 8B 4F
    00009462: CB 83
    00009463: 8B FD
    00009464: D0 00
    00009465: A1 75
    00009466: 37 01
    00009467: 38 CB
    00009469: 1E 04
    0000946A: 39 BB
    0000946B: 38 64
    0000946C: 8B 00
    0000946D: 2E 33
    0000946E: 1C D2
    0000946F: 4F F7
    00009470: 83 F3
    00009471: FD 8B
    00009472: 00 C8
    00009473: 75 A1
    00009474: 01 37
    00009475: CB 38
    00009476: 2B 8B
    00009477: DA 1E
    00009478: 73 39
    00009479: 04 38
    0000947A: 83 2B
    0000947B: C3 DA
    0000947C: 64 73
    0000947D: 48 04
    0000947E: 2B 83
    0000947F: C1 C3
    00009480: 78 64
    00009481: 25 48
    00009482: 4D 2B
    00009483: 83 C1
    00009484: FD 78
    00009485: 00 21
    00009486: 75 4D
    00009487: EE 83
    00009488: A3 FD
    00009489: 37 00
    0000948A: 38 75
    0000948B: 89 EE
    0000948C: 1E A3
    0000948D: 39 37
    0000948F: 8B 89
    00009490: 04 1E
    00009491: 89 39
    00009492: 44 38
    00009493: 06 8B
    00009494: 8B 04
    00009495: 44 89
    00009496: 04 44
    00009497: 03 06
    00009498: 06 8B
    00009499: 1C 44
    0000949A: 4F 04
    0000949B: 3D 03
    0000949C: E7 06
    0000949D: 03 1C
    0000949E: 7C 4F
    0000949F: 03 89
    000094A0: B8 44
    000094A1: E7 04
    000094A2: 03 CB
    000094A3: 89 90
    000094A4: 44 90
    000094A5: 04 90
    000094A6: CB 90
    hrvg54 нравится это.
  10. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    It is excellent... :good:
    There is the bug (black screen) when the character is too tired. I guess this is the image that should show up instead of the game crashing. This bug is random. This bug is in the English/Spanish versions.
    I thank you for your help...
    --- добавлено 11 авг 2023, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 11 авг 2023 ---
    PS: Or maybe it is this image (screenshot exhaustion_1.png).


  11. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    There was problem in code. Under normal circumstances game does following operations:
    - fade out office screen to black
    - load map.crn
    - check health
    - fade in to map

    When users's health is low ("Warning. You are very tired.") some additional operations added:
    - fade out office screen to black
    - load map.crn
    - check health

    - disable fade-in/fade-out for next loaded screen
    - load ward.crn
    - display message box "You were transported to hospital..."
    - wait for user input (mouse click or pressing enter key)
    - fade out ward
    - load hospital.crn
    - fade in to hospital

    Problem is that after first fade out game displays ward and it's messageboxes on black screen. Only before loading hospital.crn it shows ward for a fraction of second and immidially fades it out (this is how fade out works in game - it starts from original picture palette and then decreses colors to black).

    "- disable fade-in/fade-out for next loaded screen" operation is usually used when game reloads the same picture to not blink the screen. I think authors added this operation here because they didn't wanted to blink the map screen before going to ward. But probable didn't tested that it broke displaying of messageboxes.

    You can turn back only fade-in/fade-out for this sequence of commands (first changed byte in Fix) and see how it looks by yourself.

    What I did to fix blinking that occures after patching only "fade-in/fade-out enable": I added flag variable that is set when FadeOut is executed and reset when FadeIn is executed and checks for this flag at the start of FadeOut. Now double FadeOut that occurs if your load two pictures in a row without calling FadeIn between them will not blink. If screen already faded out then FadeOut function will not do anything.

    Speaking shortly, I removed original bad "fix" and added normal working fix to blinking problem.

    000083CB: 00 01
    00009D1A: 80 2E
    00009D1B: 3E C6
    00009D1C: 0C 06
    00009D1D: D2 80
    00009D1E: 03 95
    00009D1F: 74 00
    00009D20: 0C 80
    00009D21: 80 3E
    00009D22: 3E 0C
    00009D23: 0C D2
    00009D24: D2 03
    00009D25: 02 74
    00009D26: 74 0A
    00009D27: 02 80
    00009D28: EB 3E
    00009D29: 66 0C
    00009D2A: E9 D2
    00009D2B: D5 02
    00009D2C: F2 75
    00009D2D: 89 4A
    00009D2E: 36 E9
    00009D2F: 2F D1
    00009D30: 51 F2
    00009D31: BF E8
    00009D32: 31 A6
    00009D33: 51 00
    00009D34: 1E B8
    00009D35: 07 00
    00009D36: B9 00
    00009D37: 18 F3
    00009D38: 00 AB
    00009D39: B8 32
    00009D3A: 00 F6
    00009D3B: 00 32
    00009D3C: F3 D2
    00009D3D: AB BE
    00009D3E: 32 31
    00009D3F: F6 51
    00009D40: 32 8B
    00009D41: D2 1E
    00009D42: BE 2F
    00009D43: 31 51
    00009D44: 51 B9
    00009D45: 8B 30
    00009D46: 1E 00
    00009D47: 2F 51
    00009D48: 51 8A
    00009D49: B9 04
    00009D4A: 30 8A
    00009D4B: 00 27
    00009D4C: 51 3A
    00009D4D: 8A C4
    00009D4E: 04 74
    00009D4F: 8A 15
    00009D50: 27 B2
    00009D51: 3A 01
    00009D52: C4 8A
    00009D53: 74 CC
    00009D54: 15 02
    00009D55: B2 CE
    00009D56: 01 80
    00009D57: 8A F9
    00009D58: CC 3C
    00009D59: 02 7C
    00009D5A: CE 0A
    00009D5B: 80 04
    00009D5C: F9 08
    00009D5D: 3C 3A
    00009D5E: 7C E0
    00009D5F: 0A 7F
    00009D60: 04 02
    00009D61: 08 8A
    00009D62: 3A C4
    00009D63: E0 88
    00009D64: 7F 04
    00009D65: 02 46
    00009D66: 8A 43
    00009D67: C4 59
    00009D68: 88 E2
    00009D69: 04 DD
    00009D6A: 46 0A
    00009D6B: 43 D2
    00009D6C: 59 74
    00009D6D: E2 0A
    00009D6E: DD 52
    00009D6F: 0A E8
    00009D70: D2 07
    00009D71: 74 00
    00009D72: 1D 5A
    00009D73: 52 80
    00009D74: BA C6
    00009D75: DA 08
    00009D76: 03 EB
    00009D77: EC C3
    00009D78: A8 CB
    00009D79: 08 BA
    00009D7A: 74 DA
    00009D7B: FB 03
    00009D7C: BA EC
    00009D7D: 31 A8
    00009D7E: 51 08
    00009D7F: 33 74
    00009D80: DB FB
    00009D81: B9 BA
    00009D82: 10 31
    00009D83: 00 51
    00009D84: B0 33
    00009D85: 12 DB
    00009D86: B4 B9
    00009D88: CD 00
    00009D89: 10 B0
    00009D8A: 5A 12
    00009D8B: 80 B4
    00009D8C: C6 10
    00009D8D: 08 CD
    00009D8E: EB 10
    00009D8F: B0 C3
    00009D90: CB 00
    00009D91: 80 2E
    00009D92: 3E 80
    00009D93: 0C 3E
    00009D94: D2 80
    00009D95: 03 95
    00009D96: 74 00
    00009D97: 0C 75
    00009D98: 80 40
    00009D99: 3E 2E
    00009D9A: 0C C6
    00009D9B: D2 06
    00009D9C: 02 80
    00009D9D: 74 95
    00009D9E: 02 01
    00009D9F: EB 80
    00009DA0: 48 3E
    00009DA1: E9 0C
    00009DA2: F8 D2
    00009DA3: F2 03
    00009DA4: 89 74
    00009DA5: 36 0A
    00009DA6: 2F 80
    00009DA7: 51 3E
    00009DA8: BF 0C
    00009DA9: 31 D2
    00009DAA: 51 02
    00009DAB: 1E 75
    00009DAC: 07 2C
    00009DAD: B9 E9
    00009DAE: 18 EC
    00009DAF: 00 F2
    00009DB0: F3 E8
    00009DB1: A5 27
    00009DB2: 32 00
    00009DB3: D2 F3
    00009DB4: BE A5
    00009DB5: 31 32
    00009DB6: 51 D2
    00009DB7: B9 BE
    00009DB8: 30 31
    00009DB9: 00 51
    00009DBA: 8A B9
    00009DBB: 04 30
    00009DBC: 0A 00
    00009DBD: C0 8A
    00009DBE: 74 04
    00009DC0: B2 C0
    00009DC1: 01 74
    00009DC2: 2C 0A
    00009DC3: 08 B2
    00009DC4: 79 01
    00009DC5: 02 2C
    00009DC6: 32 08
    00009DC7: C0 79
    00009DC8: 88 02
    00009DC9: 04 32
    00009DCA: 46 C0
    00009DCB: E2 88
    00009DCC: ED 04
    00009DCD: 0A 46
    00009DCE: D2 E2
    00009DCF: 74 ED
    00009DD0: 18 0A
    00009DD1: BA D2
    00009DD2: DA 74
    00009DD3: 03 05
    00009DD4: EC E8
    00009DD5: A8 A2
    00009DD6: 08 FF
    00009DD7: 74 EB
    00009DD8: FB DC
    00009DD9: BA CB
    00009DDA: 31 89
    00009DDB: 51 36
    00009DDC: 33 2F
    00009DDD: DB 51
    00009DDE: B9 BF
    00009DDF: 10 31
    00009DE0: 00 51
    00009DE1: B0 1E
    00009DE2: 12 07
    00009DE3: B4 B9
    00009DE4: 10 18
    00009DE5: CD 00
    00009DE6: 10 C3
    00009DE7: EB 00
    00009DE8: C9 00
    00009DE9: CB 00
    hrvg54 нравится это.
  12. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020
    It is excellent... :good:
    Thank you for your explanations. I tried with 01 and saw an image for a short time. I thought the game was stuck with black screen. While not, it was enough to press the ENTER key to return to the game.

    This game has no more bugs thanks to you... I thank you very much for your help and your patience.
  13. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    Yes, I think they forgot to chain it to previous message. Luckilly, two message are lying one after another, so you can simply modify end of line symbol to new line symbol:

    0001AB54: 00 0A
    hrvg54 нравится это.
  14. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020

    It is a great idea... :good:
    I had not thought of this solution...

    I think there is a sentence display error:

    Sentence 1
    <bh:00> CF8E --> 988E
    Bill isn't allowed any visitors.

    Sentence 2
    <bh:00> F08E --> B18E 3 POINTEURS PAS FAIT 0XBAAE 0XBAE5 0XBB2D
    Oh no! Someone has turned Bill's
    life support machine off.
    It must have been that man standing
    near the door. Someone stop that man.

    Sentence 3
    <bh:00> 758F --> 2B8F 2 POINTEURS PAS FAIT 0XD68E FAIT 0X3FBD
    You can't come in here, Bill is dead.

    Nurse phrase 1
    <bh:00> B18C --> 868C 3 poinyeurs pas fait 0x2601
    I don't know. If you want to see
    Bill just go into Ward A1 straight
    along the corridor.

    Nurse phrase 2
    <bh:00> 098D --> e08C
    Bill's been killed. It was that man
    standing near his door.


    Screenshot clic 1
    Do not talk to the nurse but click on door A1 where the man is.

    Sentence 1 is displayed.
    Sentence 1
    Bill isn't allowed any visitors.


    Screenshot clic 2
    Talk to the nurse
    Nurse phrase 1
    I don't know. If you want to see
    Bill just go into Ward A1 straight
    along the corridor.

    Click on door A1 where the man is.
    Sentence 3
    You can't come in here, Bill is dead.

    I think the wrong sentence is displayed. I think sentence 2 should be displayed.
    Sentence 2
    Oh no! Someone has turned Bill's
    life support machine off.
    It must have been that man standing
    near the door. Someone stop that man.


    Screenshot clic 3
    Talk to the nurse
    Nurse phrase 2
    Bill's been killed. It was that man
    standing near his door.

    Click on door A1.
    Sentence 3
    You can't come in here, Bill is dead.

    What do you think about it?

    --- добавлено 13 авг 2023, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 13 авг 2023 ---
    What is weird about this sentence. It is cut by 0A. whereas 0A is not needed in this black window.
    They may have deleted it because the sentence was too long.


    • clic 2.png
      clic 2.png
      Размер файла:
      43,6 КБ
    • clic 3.png
      clic 3.png
      Размер файла:
      65,3 КБ
    • clic_1.png
      Размер файла:
      52,4 КБ
  15. oFF_rus .



    25 фев 2007
    I think authors initially planned to let you go inside after the nurse will allow you to enter. And you really can enter to ward A1 at the start of the game - it simply loads ward.crn and let you click on things.

    I think, they planned to draw Bill inside like they draw your girlfriend. And this missed sentence will be shown when you click on Bill, like information about girlfriend is shown when you click on her - in big messagebox, with many lines. You shout "Someone stop that man" from inside of ward A1, and when you go out of ward A1 the strange man will be absent and only small message will be on the floor.

    I checked the code - you can enter ward A1 only before Bill gets inside. And now it will never draw someone in bed in ward A1.
    --- добавлено 13 авг 2023, предыдущее сообщение размещено: 13 авг 2023 ---
    Maybe authors thought that this scene will be logically strange? How is it different from his fathers case? Private Eye Jr will alone enter the room with Bill and exit it when Bill is dead. How can he prove to police that he didn't turned life support machine off? If strange man was near the room when our hero enters the ward it means that machine was turned off recently, so Bill is probably still alive and dying right now.
  16. hrvg54


    8 мар 2020
    Thank you for your explanation. You are right. It is more logical.
    Another game translated thanks to you, thank you.
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