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Любимый жанр

Тема в разделе "PC Игры", создана пользователем Kolik, 16 авг 2006.


Любимый жанр

  1. Role-Playing games

  2. Strategy

  3. Racing

  4. Action (в т.ч. FPS/shooter)

  5. Quest

  6. Adventure

  7. Sports

  8. Arcade


  10. Simulation

  11. Other

Можно выбрать сразу несколько вариантов.
  1. Лорд Лотар Мессир ёж

    Лорд Лотар

    12 май 2008
    Титан, больше того, в старом есть такие жанры как RPG, quest, adventure, simulation и arcade, о которых автор этого опроса, я подозреваю, не слышал...
    Никто не голосует потому что это не имеет ни малейшего смысла, и не представляет интереса. Мало того что тут нет больше чем половины жанров, а те что есть - повторяются, так еще и нет возможности выбрать сразу несколько вариантов, что в данном случае неуместно.

    Если тебе так сильно хочется чем-то занятся и проявить себя, то есть масса возможностей провести время с пользой для сайта. Например - заливать скриншоты и видеоролики к играм на сайте. За это можно получить общественное признание, благодарность сообщества и даже медаль.

    А за бессмысленные темы с неопрятным оформлением вроде этой (размещенной, кстати, не в том разделе), в лучшем (для большинства) случае яркую карточку на память.
    Последнее редактирование: 24 дек 2013
    Вивиан Цельс и Evil Snake нравится это.
  2. Титан


    27 окт 2013
    большинство adventure (приключения) это и есть песочницы.
  3. Лорд Лотар Мессир ёж

    Лорд Лотар

    12 май 2008
    Титан, полагаю тебе следует получше ознакомится с этим жанром, прежде чем продолжать дискуссию. Рекомендую составить себе представление о большинстве представителей жанра, хотя бы из тех 261 что представлены на сайте, а уже после этого делать обобщения.
  4. Eraser Чистильщик



    29 дек 2001
    Жжошь напалмом.
  5. Вивиан Цельс

    Вивиан Цельс

    18 авг 2010
    Гонки ( флатаут, старые NFS), в особенности rfactor и мод формулы 1! Еще квесты про другие миры, наподобие Myst Uru (хотя не люблю лично их проходить: я тугодум, не могу пройти квесты даже с прохождением). Что называют песочницей?
  6. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    Вы хотите серьезный список жанров? Получите:

    4X (4X): A game that has four simple goals, which are eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate. Sub-genre of a Strategy Game.
    Action Adventure: A game that combines parts from Adventure Games and Action Games together.
    Action Game: A game that is primarily about combat.
    Action RPG: A game that combines parts from Role Playing Games and Action Adventure Games together. Sub-genre of a Role-playing Game.
    Adventure Game: A game that is about puzzle-solving, exploration, and narrative, and a relative (or total) absence of randomized combat.
    Art Game: A game that has Doing It for the Art as its motto.
    Artillery Game: A game that tasks the player with successfully aiming at an opponent with a ballistics trajectory under various conditions.
    Beat 'em Up: A game that has the player character use their fists against a large group of enemies. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Bizarre Puzzle Game: A Puzzle Game that is so weird and mind-defying that trying to label it with a genre is a puzzle in and of itself.
    Breaking Out: A game in which a paddle at the bottom of the screen bounces a ball to destroy blocks, and missing the ball results in the player losing a life.
    Bullet Hell: A vertically scrolling shooter that has every single enemy fire hundreds or thousands of projectiles on-screen at once at the player character, testing their dodging skills.
    Card Battle Game: A game in which players brings their own deck of cards to play.
    Casual Video Game: A game that is easy to learn and relatively simple by design.
    Cinematic Platform Game: A Platform Game that portrays itself more realistically. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Construction And Management Games: This type of game focuses on elements like gathering and management of resources, construction, expansion, research and exploration.
    Cute 'em Up: A Shoot Em Up that casts the enemies as cute things such as kittens, candy, fairies, and so on. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Dating Sim: A game in which the player courts at least one potential lover, and the player must keep track of every character's feelings about them and giving out presents, which will feel like a Role Playing Game.
    Digging Game: A game in which the player digs through terrain while minding falling objects.
    Digital Pinball Tables: Computerized pinball games, whether replicas of Physical Pinball Tables or original boards with features that can only exist in software.
    Driving Game: A game in which the player drives a vehicle of some kind.
    Eastern RPG: A usually Japanese game that tends to have a linear plot and a party of pre-defined characters written into said plot.
    Edutainment Game: A game that educates players as well as entertains them.
    Elimination Platformer: A game that requires players to use the concept of jumping from one platform to another to clear the entire level of enemies.
    Endless Running Game: A game about enduring an endless sequence of obstacles as long as possible.
    Exergaming: A game that encourages the player to exercise and to get into shape.
    Falling Blocks: A game in which blocks fall from the top of the screen, requiring the player to move and flip them so that they'll be arranged in a way to make them disappear, and if the blocks reach the top of the screen then the game ends.
    Fantasy Video Games: A game that features magic.
    Fighting Game: A game that has a martial arts duel. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    First-Person Shooter (FPS): A game in which the perspective is through the eyes of the player character, and the action revolves around shooting. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Flight Sim: A game in which the player flies an airplane as realistically as possible.
    Full Motion Video (Interactive Movie): A game that is based around video clips, and the player must press buttons at the right time, choose the right sequence of clips, or play other games using the video as a backdrop. Sub-genre of an Adventure Game.
    Hack and Slash: A game that has the player character wield primitive, close range melee weaponry, and the goal is to kill as many enemies as possible.
    Hidden Object Game: A game in which there is a photorealistic cluttered scene and the player must find and click on a series of objects in it.
    Horizontal Scrolling Shooter: A Shoot Em Up game that has a horizontal Auto-Scrolling Level, that is, to the left or right.
    Horror Video Games: A game that exploits the fears of players to cause anxiety, fear, and ultimately thrills.
    Idle Game: A genre of game defined by its gameplay, the primary feature of which is that the easiest way to win is to leave the game running by itself for long periods of time.
    Interactive Fiction: An Adventure Game in which the interaction is almost entirely text-based. Sub-genre of an Adventure Game.
    Light Gun Game: A game in which the player has a pointing device that resembles a gun and points it at the screen to shoot on-screen enemies. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Mad Marble Maze: A game in which the player rolls a round object of some kind from the beginning to the end of a level.
    Mascot Fighter: Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny is heavily featured.
    Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG): A game that has hundreds of players interacting with each other in the same world in real-time, which completing quests and leveling up. Sub-genre of a Role-Playing Game.
    Match Three Game: A game in which the player must match three objects of similar color/shape/species to eliminate said objects from the playing field.
    Maze Game : A game that takes place in a maze, and the player must either get from one side of the maze to the other, or clear it of every item that won't kill the player.
    Mecha Game: A game that focuses on Humongous Mecha for combat.
    Metroidvania: A game that combines parts from Adventure Action Games and Platform Games together.
    Minigame Game: A game that has a series of puzzles, challenges and games with very different requirements for defeating them.
    MUCK: A Multi-User Text-Oriented Game that emphasizes roleplaying and player intervention.
    Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA): A game that has teams of players competing with each other, typically using the point-and-click interface of a Real Time Strategy; but, unlike RTS games, players control only one Hero Unit instead of a military-industrial complex.
    Multi User Dungeon (MUD) and MOO: An Interactive Fiction that allows multiple (perhaps thousands) players to play at the same time.
    MUSH (Multi User Shared Hallucination): A MUD that is just a series of rooms, with players given the bare minimum of interaction systems and let loose to create and manage their own roleplaying.
    Party Game: A Minigame Game in which two to four players compete against each other in a boardgame-like environment.
    Platform Fighter: A fighting game that has great emphasis on maneuverability on dynamic stages.
    Platform Game (Platformer): A game that is about leaping over or onto enemy characters and between platforms of varying heights.
    Point-and-Click Game: A game in which player interacts with the environment by moving the mouse cursor over areas of the screen and clicking on them.
    Pop Up Video Games: A game in which clicking on background items results in cute animations.
    Programming Game: A game in which the player has little to no direct control over the game's events, and must set up the solution, then hit a "go" switch to activate the solution and see if it accomplishes the task correctly.
    Puzzle Game: A game that requires mental skill as well as, or instead of, dexterity and quick reflexes.
    Puzzle Platformer: A game that combines parts from Platform Games and Puzzle Games together.
    Racing Game: A game in which the player drives a vehicle of some kind and races against either other players or time.
    Rail Shooter: A game in which the computer controls most of your movement and you control the shots.
    Raising Sim: A game in which schedules for a game to process are applied, which in turn affects characters in the game, who then develop 'on their own' without constant user interference.
    Real Time Strategy (RTS): A game that focuses on construction and control of a fighting force in battle that takes place in real-time.
    Rhythm Game: A game that will flash commands, and the player has to input the same, synchronized to a beat or melody.
    Roguelike: A game that features Dungeon Crawling with randomly-generated environments randomly stocked from a huge list of monsters and items, Final Death, Anti-Grinding and is Nintendo Hard. Sub-genre of a Role-Playing Game.
    Role-Playing Game (RPG) see also Tabletop Games (Tabletop RPG): A game in which the player controls a character or party of characters in a statistically abstracted way.
    Science Fiction Video Games: A game that explores a concept that does not exist at the present time, but it someday might.
    Shoot 'em Up (Shmups): A fixed-scrolling shooting game that is not three-dimensional. Sub-genre of an Action Game.
    Simulation Game (Sim): A game that simulates parts of a reality, fictional or real.
    Space Management Game: A game in which the player must figure out how to make the most out of as little space as possible.
    Sports Game: A game that simulates playing a traditional physical sport.
    Stealth-Based Game: A game in which the player character is too weak to take enemies head-on and must actively hide from them. Sub-genre of an Action-Adventure Game.
    Strategy Game: A game in which the player's strategical and/or tactical thinking is required in order to achieve victory.
    Strategy RPG (SRPG): A game that is a Role Playing Game, but it plays like a Turn Based Strategy or Real Time Strategy.
    Survival Horror: A game that features overwhelmed protagonist(s), oppressive atmosphere and a need for careful management of resources (ammo, health, etc.). Sub-genre of an Action-Adventure Game.
    Teamwork Puzzle Game: A game in which the player controls a group of characters, and progress frequently depends on puzzles making use of this fact.
    Third-Person Shooter (3PS/TPS): A game that combines parts of a First Person Shooter, 3D Platform Game and a Beat Em Up. Sub-Genre of an Action Game.
    Time Management Game: A game in which the player must perform task such as serving food and changing baby's diapers as fast as possible.
    Tower Defense: A game in which the player defends a building from monsters using other buildings, sometimes with a unit or two as back-up.
    Turn Based Strategy (TBS): A game that is about abstract mechanics of efficiently waging war, exploiting resources and controlling huge groups of combatants all at once.
    Turn Based Tactics: A game in which the player must control individual soldiers or vehicles.
    Vehicular Combat: A game that has the player control a normally armed motor vehicle and must destroy all enemies.
    Vertical Scrolling Shooter: A Shoot Em Up game that has a vertical Auto Scrolling Level, that is, up or down.
    Western RPG: A North American or European game that features a customizable featureless protagonist.
    Wrestling Game: A game that simulates Professional Wrestling, with grapples, holds and throws.
    Последнее редактирование: 24 дек 2013
    wish, ProfessorR, Svlad и 3 другим нравится это.
  7. MetroidZ


    3 янв 2008
    я во столько игр не играл, сколько здесь жанров указано.
    Для удобства, игры в стиме рассортировал по своей системе:

    если чего-то нет, скорее всего и не играл. Кстати, это можно засчитать как ответ на вопрос темы.
  8. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    MetroidZ, GTA и Арканум (условно) в одну кучу?)
    Лорд Лотар нравится это.
  9. MetroidZ


    3 янв 2008
    да, у меня бы так было. Сейчас там как раз - ArcaniA, Mafia2, Sleeping Dogs и т.п.
    Если делать больше разновидностей - сложно распихивать, сложно искать.
  10. Лорд Лотар Мессир ёж

    Лорд Лотар

    12 май 2008
    Кишмиш, или я невнимателен, или в списке действительно не хватает Multi Directional Arcade? В известной степени это можно внести в пункт Shoot 'em up если бы не:
    Кишмиш нравится это.
  11. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    Лорд Лотар, да, все же список все равно не претендует на "полноту". + кое-что накладывается друг на дружку.

    Брал с tvtropes.org, если что.
    Лорд Лотар нравится это.
  12. pause_break



    18 апр 2010
    А у меня просто
    В трэше всякие A.R.E.S., Offspring Fling!, Sideway и Toki Tori. Тысячи их.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 19 июл 2015
    Krassandra нравится это.
  13. Krassandra


    25 дек 2013
    А у меня вообще нет любимых жанров. Я играю в хорошие игры независимо от жанров, как правило - именно в нетипичные представители, толком в определенный жанр не вписывающиеся. Разница лишь в том, что одни жанры закостенели (и представлены мало в моей игровой практике), а другие живые и их куда больше.

    Кстати, приведенная в опросе классификация совершенно не информативна. Целых два жанра только для гонок, но совсем нет стратегий.
    А вот то, что привел MetroidZ, напротив, слишком размыто. Напоминает:
    Животные подразделяются на: а) принадлежащих Императору, б) бальзамированных, в) прирученных, г) молочных поросят, д) сирен, е) сказочных, ж) бродячих собак, з) включенных в настоящую классификацию, и) буйствующих, как в безумии, к) неисчислимых, л) нарисованных очень тонкой кисточкой из верблюжьей шерсти, м) и прочих, н) только что разбивших кувшин, о) издалека кажущихся мухами :rolleyes:
    Alex Ghoust нравится это.
  14. Титан


    27 окт 2013
    здесь только жанрыот 1-го лица. Вот я и забыл про стратегии. Наверное надо было дописать. В прочем все и так знают, что я играю в игры только от 1-го лица и ненавижу GTA.
  15. Krassandra


    25 дек 2013
    Тогда надо было так и писать в вопросе - "какие игры от первого лица вам нравятся".
    Впрочем, мне сама фраза "жанры от первого лица" сильно не нравится. Это же ведь далеко не главное в классификации - есть игры, которые позволяют переключать вид. Да и "гонки" зачастую - именно от третьего лица.
    Во-первых, не все (я, например, только что узнала). А во-вторых - стоит ли увязывать содержание опроса с личными вкусами его автора? Неинформативно получается.
  16. Титан


    27 окт 2013
    Я же писал "Наверное надо было дописать". Так что "Тогда надо было так и писать в вопросе - "какие игры от первого лица вам нравятся"" не очень похоже на правильную зацепку.

    ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 12:55 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 12:52 ----------

    И что значит "Неинформативно"?
  17. DJKrolik


    22 сен 2005
    Добавьте в опрос "бродилки на вышивание", я места себе не нахожу, так хочется проголосовать.
    Evil Snake, Bato-San, B13 и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  18. Титан


    27 окт 2013
    Хм... Бродилки на выживание - это adventures, а
    . Так что можеште поставить "песочницы", хотя "це буде не зовсім правильно".
  19. DJKrolik


    22 сен 2005
    На вышивание! Крестиком!
    drugon, Evil Snake и Bato-San нравится это.
  20. Титан


    27 окт 2013
    как я понял "на вышивание" - это не описка. Так объястните же, что значит "на вышивание"?

    ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 15:10 ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 15:06 ----------

    оwшс :facepalm: куда дели мой опрос?
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