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Тема в разделе "Приставочный уголок", создана пользователем ДиСи, 16 дек 2007.

  1. katarn



    23 ноя 2006
  2. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    Ну первые бы две римейкнули наконец :)
    Жаль только, что бюджетика такого, как у пред. частей не выделят
    Последнее редактирование: 3 мар 2011
  3. Low_Pressure Titanium Helmet of Musicianship owner



    1 окт 2005
    После чего ему в горло воткнулся дротик, и люди в масках быстро вывели его из конференц-зала.
    Wolf Grey, Дарк Шнайдер и WindFLW нравится это.
  4. katarn



    23 ноя 2006
    и накинули к 70 млн. финансово провальной первой части еще черт знает сколько?
  5. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    katarn, на порт много ума и денег не надо (как показал dreamcast collection) было бы желание.
  6. katarn



    23 ноя 2006
    Дарк Шнайдер, полагаешь, порт провальной игры (а сейчас очевидно, что покупатели почему-то обращают внимание на то, насколько прибыльна была игра или ее предшественники О_о) конца прошлого века с соответствующей графикой продастся тиражом в 1+млн копий по 60$ за штуку? Сомневаюсь.
  7. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    katarn, а почему мильон и 60$? не будут же они отбивать прошлые убытки o_o
    прощупать почву перед 3 частью, подоить за вымя соотв. контингент, 15$ в psn, xbox live в самый раз
    всякие принцы и bg&e hd вроде бы неплохо расходятся
  8. katarn



    23 ноя 2006
    ореол элитарности и легендарности возрождаемому сериалу более к лицу, чем 15$ за несколько гигабайт старинной графики. Обновки принцев и (предположительно) томб райдеров не так значительны, чтобы прогореть, а вот Shenmue - совсем другой уровень, там есть что менять.
  9. BoBeR_Roman


    27 мар 2010
    В принципе,там можно ничего и не менять.Загрузки убыстрятся+сделать видимость побольше.Графика там порядочная даже для сегодняшнего дня.Хотя,странно.Играю на Дриме - нравится всё,запустил вторую часть на первом боксе - немного раздражает...Самоуспокаивание? :)
  10. katarn



    23 ноя 2006
  11. BoBeR_Roman


    27 мар 2010
    :) Заценил шутку. :) Да нет,вроде,нормально я к нему отношусь.Без него не было бы моего любименького бооооксика. :)
  12. BoBeR_Roman


    27 мар 2010
    Кстати,правильно было бы - биллоненавистнИчЕство. :)
  13. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    Пришло с форума шенмудожо:

    Hello everyone,

    The journey has been long, but the wait is almost over as we enter into the final 30 days before the release of Shenmue III. For 19 years, Shenmue Dojo has continued to show its dedication and support to Yu Suzuki’s franchise, and in this email, we would like to address some points as we move quickly forward towards November 19th.

    Promotional Campaign

    The promotional campaign for Shenmue III really has begun to take off, as we are now so close to the games release. Koch Media, Shibuya Productions, Sony and Sega Japan have begun to promote the games in their respective territories, including a livestream of Shenmue III from the EGX 2019 event in London, as well as Shenmue III being playable at EGX Berlin, beginning November 1st. That same weekend will also see the yearly Paris Games Week event taking place, where we hope that Shenmue III will have some sort of a presence, followed by Shibuya Productions’ own Magic Kyoto taking place on November 6th. We already have confirmation that Yu Suzuki will be attending the Magic Kyoto event, as well as “being epic” for Shenmue III according to Cedric Biscay, so that’s one to definitely keep an eye out for!

    Along with any further Kickstarter updates, and gaming publication coverage beginning to focus more and more on Shenmue III, the time has come for Shenmue fans to be inundated with new media and details about the game, and decisions to be made on if we are at the stage where potential story elements released to the public can be classed as “spoilers”.

    Shenmue Dojo Forums

    In regards to the varying opinions of what constitutes as Shenmue III “spoilers”, we have been tweaking our forums in preparation for both before, during, and after the release of the game. Whilst we are all excited and want to celebrate this long awaited occasion, we must respect that different people will want to see (or not see) different aspects and discussions about Shenmue III at any given time, and in response to that, we have divided the Shenmue III forum into two:

    Shenmue III – Non Spoiler Forum
    Shenmue III – Spoiler Forum

    Each of those forums should speak for themselves, and help allow users to stick to the forum of their choosing, based on how much they want to know and discuss about Shenmue III. All story details, encounters, mechanics, videos, imagery or anything else that now comes out regarding Shenmue III must only be discussed and viewed within the Shenmue III spoiler forum. If you are unsure about something being a spoiler, play it safe, and place it within the spoiler forum. Anything else, such as general Shenmue III hypothesis and chat should go into the Non Spoiler forum. We have also removed any posts within the spoiler forum showing up in the “new posts” section, for anyone who uses that feature. Our moderation team will be extra vigilant with this, and action will be taken against anyone who is seen as deliberately trying to ruin the game for anyone else.

    Spoilers and leaks are unfortunately now a commonplace within the videogame industry. Despite that, we consider Shenmue a special case, in that fans really have been waiting almost two decades, to experience the continuation of Ryo Hazuki’s journey. No one has the right to spoil a game that’s been anticipated for such a long time, and we will be doing our best to ensure all Shenmue fans have a safe haven to discuss all aspects of the game, both spoiler and spoiler free. If there are any questions or uncertainties about this, please don’t hesitate to contact us or PM one of the staff members on the forums for further advice.

    All that’s left for us to say is a huge thank you to absolutely everyone that’s been involved with Shenmue over the past 20 years, and for helping us get to this point. Shenmue III is on the verge of finally being released, after many years of waiting and hoping, and all we can ask is for everyone to enjoy the game when it arrives on November 19th. We look forward to enjoying the game with you, as well as seeing our fan community thrive and keep the excitement going, hopefully all the way to Shenmue IV!

    Keep friends, those you love, close to you.​
    Дарк Шнайдер нравится это.
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