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[Статья] Suda 51

Тема в разделе "Авторская колонка", создана пользователем Кишмиш, 28 янв 2013.

  1. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008

    Часовое видеоинтервью с Судой.

    • 00:00 - Brief introduction, Suda means "you sweat" in Spanish.
    • 03:32 - Killer 7 memories: Development freedom with Mikami-san, art style and complex, layered story.
    • 06:45 - Flower, Sun and Rain: The unique loop-day structure and the tour guide book clues as fresh mechanics. PSOne vs PS2 development and non-action games. Lost (TV series) and Uchikosi-san (Virtue's Last Reward) vibes.
    • 12:56 - No More Heroes 3: What's left to do and when.
    • 15:06 - How to create GhM's strong and unique characters. Indie creative freedom and publisher tastes. The NMH switch from PS3/Xbox 360 original shooter concept to Wii-focused final design.
    • 19:43 - Suda-san as one of the last "Japanese dev stars", "no more heroes" in game development? Hotline Miami devs as heroes and chemical brothers.
    • 24:15 - Shadows of the Damned: Collaboration with Mikami-san and anecdotes, the funniest trip to EA. Mexican and Spanish influences, Latin passion, Suda-san "Spanish blood" and Barcelona inspiration.
    • 31:50 - Lollipop Chainsaw: The zombi genre in a unique, B-class fun way. The US school comedy. The pitch trailer.
    • 36:48 - The James Gunn involvement & commitment. Collaborating with filmakers, Suda as "the Robert Rodríguez of videogames".
    • 40:21 - Importance of art in GhM, "Art of Grasshopper Manufacture" album personal meaning, how to choose/hire an artist for the studio, team play like in FC Barcelona.
    • 46:00 - GhM before and nowadays: grass-hopping from punk/indie style to business and GungHo owned studio, yet gaining creativity.
    • 49:22 - Let it Die and concepts to share with young developers as inspiration and advice. Making games you'd like to play, nigh time creative mood, connection with people.
    • 54:55 - Q&A from audience and readers:
    - Killer 7 prequel or sequel chances.
    - Marvel vs. Capcom and DC vs. Grasshopper Manufacture
    - 58:20 - Times at Human Entertaiment wearing suit.
    - 60:16 - The Silver Case remake chances.
    - 61:50 - Opinion on indie games, innovative ideas and big publishers.
    - 65:53 - Suda51 last advice for young developers. Three bullet points for game development: passion, finding your own form, finding your own rhythm.
    Motar79, nop, Deep_wolf и ещё 1-му нравится это.
  2. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    Ну и?! :)
  3. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Адово хочу артбук, но нет лишних 4000 :( и он уже Out of stock.

    Ему стоит мужика переводчика найти, предпоследняя лучше была, чем эта молодая :(

    Гоич про Джикен тоже самое 4 года назад говорил, мол "в игру сейчас никто играть не будет, её нужно перепилить под современную аудиторию", что на самом деле чушь полная, я бы и сейчас в оригинал бы без проблем поиграл. Короче, расклад таков, что нужно ждать 20-летие Грассхопперов и когда Суде51 исполнится 51. И чуда.

    P.S. Лол, сообщение номер ичи-го-ичи :)
  4. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    И еще интервью

    Пролистать вниз

    Killer7 has a lot of themes running through, including the relationship between the U.S. and Japan. How has your opinion of that changed in the ten years since the game came out?

    During the Killer7 project, I imagined what the relationship might be like in the future. So it's a serious theme. I think Japan is a country where we should never have a war, but I'm afraid there might be some incident where we have to go to war. But the key is definitely the relationship between the U.S. and Japan, and I know the treaty is changing drastically. And that's probably another reason why Killer7 is kind of important to a lot of people. The theme is not something that a lot of people talk about or use.

    Killer7 also suggests that its characters can't escape violence, even in the distant future. No More Heroes has some of that in its ending, as Travis can't escape people trying to kill him, but it's more lighthearted.

    Yes, he'll have to keep fighting. But at the end of No More Heroes 2, Travis sort of escapes from his saga. In Killer7, though, that's definitely something I was trying to express. No matter how the two powers try to change, the individual saga will continue on.

    Your works play a lot with sex and violence in a satirical way. Do you have a rule for handling these subjects?

    Personally, I don't believe in violence. I believe violence or death needs some explanation or reasoning behind it. I always try to talk about the people who are close to death, like assassins or other killers. So in that sense, I guess violence or fighting cannot be avoided. Of course, I create action games, but I always question why each character wants to fight or why each character should be killed.

    As far as sexuality is concerned…I'm not that interested. I'm aware that I use a lot of it, but I actually want to create something different, and as long as it has some core meaning to whatever is expressed, that's fine. Even for sexuality, there has to be a reason why a man and a woman love each other. If you don't have a lot of reasons for it, it's not really necessary. I'm not talking about the industry in general, of course, but it's just my opinion in general.

    Some people criticized Killer is Dead for its Gigolo Mode, where you essentially stare at women and romance them. In the book, you mention that a lot of this mode was due to Kadokawa Games' suggestions that you add sex appeal. How did your original version of the game and Mondo Zappa's romances differ?

    First of all, Gigolo Mode was not there to begin with. I was surprised when I saw Gigolo Mode for the first time. I was all “you really made this?” The team were really good sports and played along. But at the beginning, I don't think there was any Gigolo Mode. The setting was all about fighting, and the mini-games were all about fighting. I think the focus was more on the sword, and the mini-game was to make the sword stronger.

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    “Before I became an undertaker, I worked as a graphic designer and I actually worked with Sega on their company brochures,” Suda said. “Within the brochure was Virtua Racing, and I worked on the advertisements as well. Yu Suzuki, who also did Shenmue, was involved in Virtua Racing, and he wanted the graphic designer to play the game. So that's how I got to play the game first-hand.

    "And at the time I thought all the people who created video games were like professors wearing white lab coats, but when I got into the company and saw the people at Sega, they were all close to my age…very casual, wearing headphones and listening to music, and creating games. I thought 'OK, well, maybe I can do this myself.'”

    “Twilight Syndrome is a horror game, and you have ghosts appearing,” Suda explained. “The original director of Twilight Syndrome had to step down in the middle of the project, so I joined as a producer-slash-director to support the project and finish. So for Twilight Syndrome I couldn't really do much as far as the creative input was concerned, but for Moonlight Syndrome I wanted to put a lot of color into the game. So I decided 'What's scarier than ghosts? Well, that's humans.' So we used a psychological aspect in the game. But of course I'm also very scared of ghosts!”

    Moonlight Syndrome also introduced some bizarre imagery, including an ending that finds one character trapped in a TV and another holding a paper bag that apparently contains a human head.
    AlexDC, nop и Дарк Шнайдер нравится это.
  5. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
  6. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    AlexDC нравится это.
  7. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
  8. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    Видимо запостили раньше времени.
  9. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    @Дарк Шнайдер, пока висит зато статья про "загадочный анонс" связанный с издателем Playism.

    Ну могу раньше времени выкрикивать "are u kiddin'? am i dreaming?" :) Правда, возникает тогда вопрос - получили ли кузнечики права на 25 Ward, который был эпилогом для всей истории.
  10. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Это атас. На фейсбуке взрывы, на неогафе взрывы. У меня исторический шок происходит - бывает же такое. Жикен на РС. Жизнь почти удалась.
  11. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    Главное, не намечтайте себе что-то заоблачное, чтобы потом жестоко не разочароваться :)
  12. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Этого не случиться, ибо мы живем настоящем здесь.
  13. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Серебрянный чемодан выпустят по всему миру для РС этой осенью. Спасибо GHM и Playism.
  14. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
  15. Кишмиш


    6 апр 2008
    Перерисованные модели выглядят не шибко лучше пс1шных оригиналов, ну да ладно. Тут все равно фишка что у тебя одновременно на экране и текст и 2д графика и 3д графика. Надеюсь видеоролики все перенесут из оригинала.
  16. Seriv


    28 авг 2013
    В свое время удалось поиграть в Killer 7, но пройти не успел - продал пс2.
    На хбокс 360 прошел Shadow of Damned - вполне добротная игра, только бесили два момента: 1) когда за тобой фальшивая подруга бегает 2) Битва с последним боссом. Их бы упразднить и на русский перевести (шутки в игре основаны на игре слов и не каждый поймет переводя сам) - получится Отличная игра!
  17. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Если moor pu deckuf ещё можно переиначить весело, то mexican't я без понятия как переводить. А последний босс не такой уж и сложный, если правильно качать оружие.
  18. Дарк Шнайдер Недопустимо инфантилен

    Дарк Шнайдер

    18 окт 2004
    И не очень понятно, как шутки про Джонсона переводить :crazy:
  19. Seriv


    28 авг 2013
    @Deep_wolf, Проблема в боссе была - он распадается и надо отстреливать летающие части его тела! Что было сделать не легко, хотя в шутеры на джойстике играю без проблем.
    @Дарк Шнайдер, Заменить своими шутками )))
  20. Deep_wolf


    16 дек 2011
    Это именно то, чем наши переводчики фильмов и игр занимаются. Это именно то, из-за чего у фанатов недовольство из-за не состыковок понятий. Это именно то, из-за чего у знакомых с оригиналом голова идет кругом от идиотии происходящего на экране.

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