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Хлам [Установка и запуск игр]

Тема в разделе "Архив", создана пользователем Ms.Trahtenberg, 2 дек 2001.

Статус темы:
  1. Noelemahc Призрак из п(р)ошлого



    24 июн 2002
    Системные характеристики в студию. Вар2 настолько неприхотливая гама, что чтобы он не запустился надо ОЧЕНЬ и ОЧЕНЬ и ОЧЕНЬ-ОЧЕНЬ постараться.
  2. GrandMa


    4 окт 2005
    Обновил до версии 3.50 Пробовал даже 3.51 ----- НИФИГА
  3. SAS io.sys



    8 июл 2003
    Значит перекачивай архив заново. С ним всё в порядке, я проверил архив.
    Если мучают сомнения, то лог теста архива приложен к сообщению.
    Последнее редактирование: 19 ноя 2007
  4. Teron Lifeslayer Malkavian

    Teron Lifeslayer

    14 ноя 2004
    Еще один повод качать игры в один поток, чтоб не возникало ошибок в архиве ;) .
  5. Minaro


    23 сен 2004
    Кароче понимаю что тема - полный абсурд, но ради прикола все таки скажу.
    У мя пиратка от 7-го Волка и есть возможность поставить инглиш версию (хоть это хорошо). Ставлю...Запускаю под XP SP2 - ругается - плюю на это - я оказываюсь в меню (уже в предвкушении) - начинаю миссию и тут чуть не падаю со стула от хохота - там обычно в первой миссии машинки ездят и среляють...Неа..Они там прыгали мля! Да так высоко! Вот прыгают и я их воздухе сбиваю...Потом надоело...Вырубаю игру, качаю патч , он как-то еле как ставится, но ставится, при попытке запустить игру после этого просит диск, несмотря на то что он в приводе (ну пиратский правда), плюю на это и пишу поверх пропатченного экзешника - тот который с пиратки...Запускаю игру - тот же прикол...Советов особо не прошу, можжт кто просто решал эту проблему...Пиратка кстати полная - тоесть с мультами вроде...Хотя нада скорее всего покупать инглиш версию и не мучить мозги.
  6. Duke Nukem

    Duke Nukem

    18 окт 2004
    Варик на всех виндузах идет. :huh:

    а может у тов. Max s`а кроме камня ничего и нет ? :D :D :D
  7. Skaarj.13 нервынервы


    1 дек 2004
    Вот вот, а сам камень - Пентиум Первый, 3 Hz :lol:

    Хватит флудить :angry: !
  8. Minaro


    23 сен 2004
    Сегодня снова запустил Мех 3 (предварительно пропатчив его)..Потерпел в первой миссии прыгающие машины, пошла вторая и танки вроде не прыгают...Есть вероятность что глючит тока первая миссия (которая очень короткая) - по сему на 80 % можно сказать что Мех 3 под ХР запустить без серьезных проблем...
  9. Minaro


    23 сен 2004
    Вот у меня есть версия этой гамы под 3dfx, пиратский обрезок...Под современные карты она может пойти - во всяком случае в 98-й винде я запускал ее на Жирафе 4 Ти4200...
    Однако под XP sp2 не в какую...Патчи и способы пока ищу, но может кто нить уже сталкивался с этой проблемой и смог ее решить?

    p.s. установку 98-й не предлагать - не хатит мой атлон 64 жить с ней, не хатит...
  10. Zloy Tapok

    Zloy Tapok

    6 окт 2005
    При запуске они проигрывается заставка, потом по характерному звуку монитора меняется разрегение, и бац... чёрный фон с этой картинкой. Может кто нибудь сталкивался с этой проблемой? P.S игру скачал с 3dsl

    OC - XPsp1 home edition


    • error.JPG
      Размер файла:
      3,4 КБ
  11. Teron Lifeslayer Malkavian

    Teron Lifeslayer

    14 ноя 2004
    Если это так то это весьма смешно :D

    Не знаю что ты там на 3DSL с игрой сделал что она такое стебовое соообщение выдает :shok: :P .
  12. Zloy Tapok

    Zloy Tapok

    6 окт 2005
    В файле debugger.txt написано это

    ### warning: particle class 'w3_phr_e01' emitter 5 can't find emitted particle 'w3_phr_p08'

    ### warning: particle class 'pstream_shooter' emitter 2 can't find emitted particle 'w_pstream_shot2'

    ### warning: particle class 'flame2_e' emitter 2 can't find emitted particle 'test_smoke'

    ### warning: particle class 'env_cloud02_p01' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''

    ### warning: particle class 'env_cloud02_p02' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''

    ### warning: particle class 'env_cloud01_p01b' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''

    ### warning: particle class 'env_cloud01_p01a' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''

    ### warning: particle class 'env_cloud01_p01' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''

    ### warning: particle class 'm_block' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle 'm_p01'

    ### warning: particle class 'muroglow_e01' emitter 2 can't find emitted particle 'muroglow_p02'

    ### warning: particle class 'phase_shot' emitter 1 can't find emitted particle ''
  13. Noelemahc Призрак из п(р)ошлого



    24 июн 2002
    Плохо анрипнул рип. Ты уверен, что выполнил все требования .nfo-шки? ну там, запустить setup.bat и иже с?
  14. Zloy Tapok

    Zloy Tapok

    6 окт 2005
    Да, 3 раза делал всё заново, ничего не помогает =(
  15. Lord Daedra

    Lord Daedra

    12 окт 2005
    Есть диски Фантасмагории 2. При установке ругнулся на неподдерживаемость моего сидюка. subst и готов диск P:. Там теперь лежат файлы с диска. Запустил установщик снова, поставил всё (на проверку сидюка просто забил). Не запускается. В настройках указал, чтоб не с сидюка грузился, а с Р. Запустился с ошибкой. (см. скриншот, там в режиме совместимости с 95 и 640х480)

    Ставил на ХР,.. по словам подружки, с Вин 98 те же проблемы.

    Вообщем, всё что надо - запустить её хоть как, в любой системе. Просто чтоб играть можно было. Есть те, кто вообще играет в подобные игры?.. Или только мою девчонку на вские ужасы тянет?

    Прошу помочь всех, кто может и кто хочет.

    <span class=postdetails>Дописано позже</span>
    З.Ы. Если нужна игра и Вы на Инфолайне, перешлю. Так, на вякий случай.


    • error.jpg
      Размер файла:
      26,3 КБ
  16. Noelemahc Призрак из п(р)ошлого



    24 июн 2002
    Какая версия игры (русская или нет, копия с родной или изменённая), был ли случай РАБОТЫ этих конкретных дисков на чьём-либо компе вообще?
    Какие там были 98? Second Edition или нет? Просто SE некоторые изначально-95ные игры не запускает точно так же, как ХР - просто не запускает и ффсё, не лечицца.
  17. Lord Daedra

    Lord Daedra

    12 окт 2005
    Копия с en-версии как понимаю. У меня cd-r'ок много разноцветных. При копировании один файл на первом диске плохо записался и не был скопирован, но как прочитал в Инете, он должен быть одинаковым на всех дисках (там музыка-звуки вроде), я его взял с другого диска, да, размер совпал(1в1), имя тоже...
    Думаю, копия с рабочей версии. Вот 1 файл плохо записался только... Остальные все ок.

    Про 98 не уверен точно, т.к. не я ставил. Я её компа вообще в глаза не видел. Но, думаю, раз сказала, поставила и не запускается...

    Вообщем есть мнение ставить на эмуляторе вин95 и там уж...
    Но не факт, что пойдёт на эмуляторе.

    <span class=postdetails>Дописано позже</span>
    И какой эмулятор лучше - виртуал писи или вмваре?
  18. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    А какая это версия игры ? Для windows'a или для доса ? (если для win, то там наверное должны быть виндовые экзешники)
  19. Lord Daedra

    Lord Daedra

    12 окт 2005
    для всех как понял, есть утилита для создания дискеты (как понял, из под доса)
    почитайте ридми к игре (приложил)


    Thank you for purchasing Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh. In order for you to receive the best possible performance, Sierra has included additional technical tips and game information that was not available when the documentation was printed. The following supplemental information should be considered part of the game documentation.


    * Installation Procedures
    * Handy To Know
    * Windows Problems and Solutions
    * Memory Troubleshooting
    * Sound Card Configurations and Sound Issues
    * Auto Update
    * Special Thanks
    * Legal Information


    Please make sure you have the following minimum hardware requirements:

    12MB RAM
    Hard Drive Space (not including space for a Temporary Swap File)
    Small Install: 10MB (compressed 30 MB)
    Medium Install: 15MB (compressed 50 MB)
    Large Install: 23MB (compressed 80 MB)
    CD-ROM drive, double speed or better
    SVGA video card that supports 640x480x256 colors or better in Windows
    Sound card with DAC - Sound Blaster compatible

    16MB RAM
    Quad speed CD ROM

    If you are using file deletion tracking utilities such as Mirror, SmartCan, Undelete, etc., please disable these utilities before installing A Puzzle of Flesh (hereafter listed as "Phantas").

    To install Phantas in Windows, follow the instructions outlines below:

    1. Insert the Phantas CD #1 into your CD-ROM drive.
    2. In Win95, insert Phantas CD #1 to automatically start installation.
    3. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete installation

    To run Phantas in Windows after it is installed:

    In Windows 95, eject and insert CD #1 to automatically start the game.
    If AutoRun is disabled, insert CD #1 and click on START (on your task bar)
    then click on RUN. In the box that appears type: D:\SETUP (where D: is your
    CD ROM drive. If not, insert the appropriate letter), and press ENTER.


    Do not remove the CD while playing the game unless you are prompted to do so.

    Phantas is designed to be played in 16 bit (65535 colors) mode. Although it will also operate in 256 color mode, the movie playback performance will be degraded slightly. Running Phantas in other color modes, such as such as 16 million "true color" mode, may also result in degraded performance. We highly recommend playing Phantas in either 16 bit or 256 color modes. Refer to the "Windows Problems and Solutions" section in this README for more information.

    To fast-forward through the movies you've already seen before, click the mouse button or press the ESC key on your keyboard. All movies that are important to game play can be replayed via the movie playback dialog. To access this dialog, begin the game and move the cursor to the upper left corner of the game's play area. Clicking on the movie reel which appears will bring the movie playback dialog up.

    Special note for customers with multiple CD-ROM drives or CD-ROM jukebox changers: Please refer to section "INSTALLING THE GAME" in this README for information to let you access all the Phantas CDs without unnecessary disc swapping!

    Phantas contains a list of BBS and Technical Support numbers for sound card, video card, miscellaneous computer peripheral and software manufacturers. To view this information, begin the game, move the cursor to the upper right corner of the game's play area, and click on the "Puzzle Piece" icon which appears. This brings up the control panel. Clicking on the "Sierra Icon" (a circle with a Half Dome in it) will bring up three buttons: "Sales Information"; "Technical Support"; and "Customer Service". Select any of these buttons for contact information.



    Note: The MOVIE PROJECTOR icon displayed on page 12 of the game documentation has been changed to a FILM STRIP icon in the game.


    Question: What's the difference between the 10 meg, 15 meg, and 23 meg install choices?
    Answer: The install choice allows you to install more of the game's resources from your slower CD-ROM drive to your faster hard drive. If you are running on a minimum supported computer, you may wish to choose the 23 meg install to improve gameplay.
    Note: Please confirm you have plenty of hard drive space before and after installing Phantas to make sure that you will still have enough hard drive space for a temporary swap file for Windows. If your hard drive is full, Windows may not have enough room to operate properly. To check how much hard drive space you have free, click on MY COMPUTER and then right click on the icon for the C: drive and choose PROPERTIES. If Free Space is less than 20 meg, you may want to delete extra games or files you no longer need from your hard drive to give Windows more room to work with.

    Problem: Your computer fails the Sound Card test under the Windows setup; you cannot hear the voice in the wave test
    Solution: Your sound card is incorrectly configured for Windows. See the section "Sound Issues and Sound Card Settings" for information on setting up your sound card.

    Problem: "Setup was unable to add an item for Phantas to a program group" message when installing the game. The game icons were not created during game installation.
    Solution: You may have run out of hard drive space. Free up more hard drive space and try again.

    Question: Why is the tested MHz number different than your computer's marked MHz number?
    Explanation: These numbers should be close to each other. Our tests indicate that is the actual speed of the CPU when we ran our tests, not the rated speed. Any difference between these numbers will not affect gameplay.
    Note: On brand new processors, such as the Pentium Pro or the P6 chip, the CPU type may
    be misidentified as a 386. This will have no affect on gameplay. Ignore this report.

    SPECIAL NOTE: Phantas is one of our first games to fully support multiple CD-ROM changers, also called "jukeboxes:. It has been tested on the following hardware:

    - Smart and Friendly model CDJ 7004 4x 7-Disc CD-ROM Jukebox
    - Gateway 2000 bundled Sanyo 4x 3-Disc CD-ROM Drive
    - Pioneer LaserMemory model DRM-624X 4x 6-Disc CD-ROM Multi Drive

    To try this new and exciting option, follow the normal instructions to install Phantas. Once done, edit the file C:\SIERRA\P2WIN\RESOURCE.WIN (or wherever you installed the game). You'll see something similar to what is listed below:

    title=Phantasmagoria - A Puzzle of Flesh

    If you have a 3-Disc changer with CD-ROM drive letters D:, E:, and F:, edit the line "CD:=D:;" (listed as the last line in the above example) and change it to "CD:=D:;E:;F:;". Save this change to RESOURCE.WIN. Now Phantas will have access to 3 CDs instead of 1 CD. Phantas can be played with part or all of the CDs loaded into different CD drives connected to your computer. The only requirement is that the drives are connected to separate logical drive letters. SETUP will ask if you want to run with multiple CD-ROM drives.


    Problem: When game starts in Windows, it displays a black screen.
    Solution: The problem may be caused by outdated or incompatible video or sound card drivers. Check with your video and sound card manufacturers to make sure you have the latest versions of their drivers.

    Problem: "General Protection Fault in Module ... " The module name will vary.
    Solution: A General Protection Fault (GPF) in a module other than POINTER.DLL can be caused by a memory conflict. Make sure that there are no other Windows programs running. Disable all screen savers, virus scans, etc.

    If you are using an alternate Windows desktop (PC Tools, Dashboard, Packard Bell Navigator, etc.), disable it and use Microsoft’s default Windows 95 Desktop. If you have sound-related Windows programs installed (IconHearIt, SoundBits, etc.), make sure they are disabled before starting the game.

    Old and outdated Video and Sound drivers may also be at fault. Please refer to the SUPPORT button displayed when the game's SETUP.EXE is run in Windows for more information how to upgrade your Windows drivers. Look under SUPPORT - CONTENTS - CONTACT INFORMATION.

    A Windows boot disk also helps with GPFs. Instructions for creating a boot disk are at the end of this document. GPFs can also be caused by outdated or incompatible sound or video drivers. If the above steps do not solve the GPF for you, contact your video and sound card manufacturers to obtain the latest versions of their Windows drivers.

    Problem: Your video card does not meet the pixels-per-second speed requirement for Phantas.
    Solution #1: Try running the game anyway to see how well it works anyway. Many testers find the video test fails but the works well anyway. Other factors besides video performance will help run the game better, such as a faster CD-ROM drive or a faster CPU Mhz speed.
    Solution #2: Make sure your video card in Windows is set to 16 bit color mode. This may speed up the video performance.

    Problem: "Divide by Zero" using a Gravis Ultrasound in Windows
    Solution: You must load the GUS patches before running the game. Open the Accessories group and choose Media Player. Click on Device and select MIDI Sequencer. Load the correct GUS patch file. It must match the on-board memory of your GUS. For example, if you have 512K of on-board GUS memory, you would load the LOAD512.MID. Playing this file will load the patches and prevent the error message.

    Problem: "Working directory is invalid", then "System Error: Cannot read from drive D: <Cancel/Retry>"
    Solution: The CD is not in the drive before you started the game. Insert the game CD and click on RETRY.


    Problem: "Waveout Open" or "Waveout Prepare Header" error message when starting the game.
    Solution: This indicates that your sound card is in use by another program. This is occasionally caused by another sound program taking control in Windows and not sharing the sound card properly. Programs like Icon Hear It, Wired for Sound, Packard Bell Navigator, and Microsoft's Bob can cause this type of problem. Some screen savers like After Dark will also access the sound card directly instead of using Windows to produce sounds. You should disable all programs of this type before playing the game. If this is not the case, just quit Windows and restart it to clear this error.

    Problem: In Windows, your Gravis Ultrasound card stops playing music and sound before long audio sequences, such as the movies in the game.
    Solution: Open on the Gravis program group, then double click on Setup. Change the buffers to 4096, then save the settings. If this number doesn't work, try other numbers until the "sound blanking" problem goes away.

    Question: Why does Phantas not support General MIDI, Roland MT-32, AWE32, Wave Synthesizer or FM Synthesizer?
    Answer: All the music, speech, and sound effects in Phantas are digitized, not synthesized. This allows more control over the game's sound quality and timing on every SB compatible sound card without the need for MIDI Mapper setup issues, music volume control too loud or too soft, hanging notes, etc.


    Problem: The game is too dark.
    Solution: Edit the game's configuration file on the hard drive to
    increase the brightness. To do this, use NOTEPAD or another ASCII text editor and load the file:


    You'll see a line "brightness = 0". Increase this number to 4. Save this change, then start Phantas to see an increase in the game brightness.
    NOTE #1: If you increase the brightness to 5 or more, you'll see very odd colors or a black screen in the game.
    NOTE #2: If you are in 16 bit (65535) color mode or 16 million color mode, changing the brightness number will have no effect on the game. You must be in 256 color mode for this change to work.

    Problem: You get black corners in Windows or missing graphics.
    Solution: You need the latest video drivers for Windows. Please refer to your video card manual for information how to contact the video card company.
    Note: Many video drivers for Windows are available at no charge on your video card manufacturer's BBS. These BBS numbers are listed in your video card documentation. Sierra has provided a list of the most popular video card manufacturer's BBSes under the "SUPPORT" section of SETUP.EXE. You may also find these drivers on the major commercial on-line services, such as Compuserve and America On-line. You may also call your video card manufacturer to mail the latest drivers to you. Some video card manufacturers may change a shipping and handling fee for their latest drivers. Check with them for details.

    Problem: The game's play-screen is too small.
    Explanation: Phantas was designed to play in a full screen with a 640X480 Windows video driver. If you have configured Windows to operate in a higher resolution (such as with an 800X600 or 1024X768 driver), the game play area will appear as a small window on the Desktop.
    Solution: In order to view the game in the full dimensions of your computer screen, you will need to load a 640X480 video driver that is created for your specific brand of video card. For more information about configuring Windows or obtaining this driver, please contact your video card manufacturer. Look at the next question for more information about changing resolutions and color modes in Windows.

    Problem: You're in high color or true color mode in Windows. How do you switch back to 256 color mode?
    Solution: For Windows 95, right click on the desktop background to select Properties, then Settings to access video resolution/colors control.


    Question: What is a boot disk?
    Explanation: A boot disk is usually a way to make games work faster and better on your computer. For Windows 95 a boot disk is used to prevent any old 16 bit legacy drivers (from a previous version of Windows or DOS) from running. All you need is a blank floppy disk for your A: drive. This will not work in your B: drive. To make a boot disk, view or print the file "BDWIN95.TXT," located on CD #1.

    Problem: There is no icon to make a boot disk in Windows 95. How do you make one?
    Solution: In most cases, you will not need a boot disk for Windows 95. However, if you want to try making one, we have included instructions. Please view or print the file "BDWIN95.TXT" located on CD#1 for more information.

    Problem: "Invalid Drive Specification" using a boot disk on a Western Digital IDE controller.
    Explanation: The Western Digital IDE hard drive controller displays a message "Press the SPACEBAR to boot from a floppy disk." If you insert the boot disk and reboot before seeing this message, you'll get the message "Invalid Drive Specification" and won't have hard drive access until you reboot without the boot disk.
    Solution: Remove the boot disk from the floppy drive. Reboot your computer. When you see this message, insert the boot disk and press the SPACEBAR.

    Problem: "Invalid Drive Specification" using a boot disk on larger Seagate hard drives, such as the Seagate 800 meg hard drive.
    Explanation: Seagate hard drives larger than 528 meg use a disk manager called "EZ-DRIVE." If you insert the boot disk and reboot before seeing this message, you'll get the message "Invalid Drive Specification" and won't have hard drive access until you reboot without the boot disk.
    Solution: Remove the boot disk from the floppy drive. Hold down the CTRL key and reboot your computer. You'll see a message "Insert boot disk and hit ENTER to reboot." Insert the boot disk and press ENTER.


    Problem: Using SoftRAM 95, it takes a long time to change screens and the animation on the screen is very slow.
    Solution: If you have a faster computer, open the SoftRam program group in Windows. Double click on the SoftRAM Program icon. Click on the Enable (or Disable) Button. If you have all three options enabled (RAM Compressor, System Resources Extender, and Under 1MB Optimizer), the game will slow down. To improve game speed, do one of the following:
    -Enable RAM Compressor. Disable System Resources Extender. Disable Under 1MB Optimizer
    -Disable RAM Compressor. Enable System Resources Extender. Enable Under 1MB Optimizer
    If this does not work, please contact Syncronys Softcorp, the makers of SoftRAM 95, for more assistance. Their US and Canada phone number is 800-808-0064. The International number is 970-339-7134.

    Problem: The game has slowed down in certain parts of the game.
    Explanation: Certain areas of the game require more memory, CPU, and Windows attention.
    Solution: To free up more resources for smoother play, hold down CTRL + ALT and then press DEL on your keyboard to bring up the Close Program window. If you see anything beside Systray and Explorer, highlight it and click on End Task.

    Question: The hard drive or CD-ROM drive "thrashes", accessing the drive excessively. Why?
    Answer: This indicates there isn't enough free memory in Windows to run Phantas smoothly. Please look at the previous problem "Out of Moveable Memory" for some solutions to try.
    Note: We've noticed that Windows 95 doesn't always seem to maximize the performance of the CD-ROM drive by setting up the correct speed or cache size. If these settings are changed to correctly reflect the system, it may speed up CD-ROM access dramatically. To check this setting in Windows 95, click on the following:
    1. Control Panel
    2. System
    3. Performance
    4. File System
    5. CD-ROM
    6. At this point make sure that your CD-ROM is set to the appropriate setting, and the Cache size is adjusted to full. If it's already there, try experimenting with the cache size and change the speed to don't read ahead.

    Problem: The movies are choppy on a 486 computer
    Solution #1 If you are running in 256 color mode, and your card is capable of 16 bit color mode, try changing to the 16 bit color mode. This may allow the movies to run faster on your computer. If you are running with more than 16 bit color, try running in 16 bit color mode. This is the optimum mode in which to play Phantas.
    Solution #2: If you chose one of the smaller install options, rerun setup from CD#1 and install the 23 meg install. This will allow critical parts of the game load from your faster hard drive instead of the slower CD-ROM drive.


    Problem: "A: is not a valid directory" trying to save or restore games from the floppy drive.
    Solution: Phantas may not allow you to save games to the root of the floppy drive. You can save and restore games from a subdirectory on the floppy drive with no problems.

    Problem: "Out of Moveable Memory" or "Panic: Out of Memory"
    Solution #1: On a 12 meg computer running Windows 95, there may not be enough free memory to run background tasks or log onto a network. Exit all programs, reboot without logging into the network, then try the game again. (In almost all cases, a 16 meg computer will run the game without this problem.)
    Solution #2: If you are using Windows 95, read the file BDWIN95.TXT located on the Phantas CD #1. This will explain how to make and use a boot disk in Windows 95 to free up more memory for the game.
    Solution #4: If you tried a boot disk but still get this error message, edit the file called
    C:\SIERRA\P2WIN\RESOURCE.WIN. Look for the line "sciMinK=9000". Change this line to read "sciMinK=10000". Save this change, then run the game again.
    Note: On some low memory computers, there may be no way to free up enough memory in Win95 to run Phantas, due to shadow memory and other factors.


    Please make sure you have enough hard drive space for a swap file for Windows. If your hard drive is full, Windows may not have enough room to operate properly. To check how much hard drive space you have free, click on MY COMPUTER and then right click on the icon for the C: drive and choose PROPERTIES. If Free Space is less than 20 meg, you may want to delete extra games or files you no longer need from your hard drive to give Windows more room to work with.

    P2's SETUP creates a file on your hard drive called RESOURCE.WIN. This file is important for the smooth running of the game. If you have any problems not mentioned above, please use Windows' Write or WordPad to look at the file C:\SIERRA\P2WIN\RESOURCE.WIN. The file should look something like the sample listed below. In this example, D: = the CD=ROM

    title=Phantasmagoria - A Puzzle of Flesh

    If any of these lines are missing, you may want to delete the P2WIN directory from your hard drive and rerun SETUP from CD #1.

    If you don't see your question listed in this document, most difficulties with Phantas, including "fatal" and "panic" errors can be resolved by simply running the game with a boot disk in a clean Windows environment. Please look in the Memory Troubleshooting section of this file under "Create a Boot Disk" and "Create a Clean Windows Environment".


    Some game players have experienced getting enough free memory to run Phantas. This usually occurs on computers with 12 megabytes of RAM, but can happen on machines with more memory. If you are having trouble starting the game because of memory problems or are receiving memory-related errors during the game (such as "Out of Moveable Memory"), here is a list of troubleshooting steps to try:

    Check the Swap File: Make sure there is enough room on your hard drive for Windows 95 to create a swap file of at least 20 meg.

    Create a Boot Disk: Please follow the instructions listed in the file BDWIN95.TXT on the P2 CD #1.

    Create a Clean Windows Environment: Make sure that there are no other Windows programs
    running. Disable all screen savers, virus scans, etc. If you are using an alternate Windows
    desktop (PC Tools, Dashboard, Packard Bell Navigator, etc.), disable it. If you have sound-related Windows programs installed (IconHearIt, SoundBits, etc.), make sure they are disabled before starting the game.


    All the music in P2 is digitized (DAC). This means there is no need to adjust your MIDI Mapper in the Windows Control Panel. P2 also supports Microsoft Direct Sound. P2 defaults to standard Windows 95 sound when installed, and Direct Sound must be switched on manually. Check with your sound card manufacturer to be sure if your sound card supports Microsoft Direct Sound. If you hear static or popping and clicking when playing P2, try enabling Direct Sound.

    If you experience sound problems, you may need to update your sound drivers. If you do not have the current Windows drivers for your sound device, you may need to contact the manufacturer of your sound device or your local hardware supplier for an updated set of sound drivers. Check your Windows documentation or your sound device documentation for full instructions on updating your sound drivers.

    Mixer Control: You can adjust the volume control of the music and the speech through P2's control panel. If you need more control, most sound cards' volume can be controlled through software provided by the sound card manufacturer. If your sound card has drivers that are designed to work specifically with Windows 95, there should be an icon that resembles a speaker in the right corner of the Task Bar. To adjust volume levels in Windows 95, right click on this icon and choose VOLUME CONTROLS. This will bring up a window with slide controls that can be used to adjust relative volume.

    Direct Sound: P2 supports Microsoft Direct Sound. Since the default setting is off, you must enable Direct Sound manually. Open the Sierra folder and find the P2 Direct Sound icon. Clicking on this icon will bring up the Direct Sound window. Check the box to enable Direct Sound and click on OK. Direct Sound is now enabled. To work properly your sound card must have specific Windows 95 drivers that are designed to be compatible with Microsoft Direct Sound.

    <span class=postdetails>Дописано позже</span>
    Не захотел он прикрепляться, поэтому в посте выложил, извините.
  20. Virgil Администратор



    2 янв 2005
    Ой как много букофъ .... :shok:
    Ну версия у тебя для винды => она будет работать под 95-м и 98-м . Под xp можно запустить только дос версию (с помощью досбокса) , также есть патч для "переделывания" win версии в dos . Подробнее здесь .
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