Текстовые приключения от знаменитой в 1980-х годах компании
Infocom были настолько сложными (вспомним Babel Fish Puzzle!), что разработчики быстро смекнули: на продаже книжек с подсказками можно заработать не хуже, чем на самих играх. В итоге к одной только "
Zork I" было продано около двухсот тысяч экземпляров брошюр, призванных помочь зашедшим в тупик игрокам. Книги эти носили название InvisiClues: вместо того чтобы просто излагать прохождение, подсказки делились на вопросы, каждый из которых сопровождался несколькими уровнями ответов, сообразно тонкости намёков, - причём напечатаны они были "невидимыми чернилами", а прочесть их можно было только при помощи специального маркера, поставлявшегося в комплекте.
The score I give here is purely because of gameplay and general quality. The game was a mess, with the game taking place on a "golden" window that looks like a cheap windows 98 theme and annoying sound effects of the units playing non-stop.
I was around 11 or 12 when I don't remember how but I got my hands on this game. I was AMAZED by the resource management. I never played a game that used production chains like this, only Anno 1602. But this was different, it was more like a cheap RTS but at the same time it had a basic "colony sim" under the hood too.
Those mechanics were so innovative for me that I spent a night playing this when I first got the demo. I remember being so tired because I spent the night playing this and slept 3 hours. I wanted this game so much that I annoyed the seller to get it for me for months. It was ehem... a 'backup', a rare looking golden CD, I still remember.
I also had my frustration dose because in the beginning, if you use all your fuel, you cannot build roads and also vehicles start moving REALLY slow, making progress almost impossible. So, a tip is to get the oil first, second lumber, third coal, fourth iron and then the rest. Never stop looking at food levels and build farms.
Combat. I struggle to remember if ever entered in combat. But I know I did sometime. I only remember it being so cheap that units destroyed just disappear without any special animation, and troops are soooo slow...
All this just to say the game is not good. But it was new, it mixed a colony sim with an RTS. Nostalgics like me may actually enjoy revisiting this weird broken game from time to time. I have still it.