
Жанр: RPG
Разработчик: Blizzard Entertainment
Издатель: Blizzard Entertainment
Год выхода: 1996
Платформа: Windows
Оценка рецензента:
Оценка рецензента - 10 из 10
Оценка пользователей:
Оценка пользователей - 8.93 из 10
  • 243
  • 240
  • 136
Diablo - это action/RPG, в которой вам предстоит проложить свой путь через шестнадцать случайно генерируемых уровней подземелья, под завязку заполненных монстрами и сокровищами. Ваша финальная цель – демон Диабло, повелитель ужаса, который и стал причиной всех бед, постигших не только тихую деревушку Тристрам (Tristram), но и все королевство.

Вы можете выбрать, кем прорываться к заветной цели, хотя выбор невелик, и ограничивается всего тремя персонажами. Воин хорош в ближнем бою, и наиболее прочен из трех. Воровка (мой вольный перевод слова rogue) предпочитает пользоваться луком, но и в ближнем бою способна дать достойный отпор. И, наконец, маг непревзойден в использовании потусторонних сил, но слаб телом, так что не стоит монстрам давать приближаться к нему на расстояние удара.

Есть также и некоторое количество случайных квестов, которые обычно выдают жители деревни. Их выполнение необязательно, но стоит учесть, что в качестве благодарности вы обязательно получите стоящий артефакт.

Деревня - это тихая гавань, куда будет возвращаться ваш герой после жестоких схваток, чтобы идентифицировать вещи (иначе их магические способности невозможно применять), подлечиться, купить или отремонтировать экипировку, выучить новые заклинания, а также отделаться от ненужных вещей.

Графика игры великолепна. Достаточно одного взгляда, чтобы оценить, сколько труда было вложено в создание мрачных подземелий, кишащих монстрами, тихой деревеньки и ее обитателей.

Сила каждого персонажа отражена в четырех показателях – сила, ловкость, магия и выносливость. По мере убийства монстров вы накапливаете опыт. Набрав достаточное количество опыта, ваш герой поднимает уровень, получая добавку к жизням и мане, а также пять очков, которые можно потратить на поднятие любого из этих атрибутов. Сила и ловкость повышают наносимые повреждения, при этом ловкость также повышает шанс попадания. От параметра магии зависит сколько маны будет у персонажа, а выносливость влияет на количество жизней. При этом воин от одного очка выносливости получает в два раза больше жизней, чем маг. Действует и обратное правило в отношении мага и маны, получаемой от поднятия магии.

От физических показателей также зависит, сможете ли вы надеть на себя определенную броню, взять в руки более сильное оружие или прочесть магическую книгу. Вполне логично, что существуют также предметы, способные поднять эти показатели будучи надетыми. Элементы экипировки генерируются случайным образом. Исключением являются артефакты, обладающие огромной мощью по сравнению с другими магическими вещами, но попадающиеся крайне редко.

Все классы умеют пользоваться заклинаниями, хотя маг делает это эффективней всего. Заклинания бывают в виде свитков одноразового использования или книг, которые персонаж способен заучивать. С каждой новой заученной книгой мощь заклинания растет.

Кроме заклинаний никогда не стоит забывать запасаться зельями. Они способны восстанавливать запасы жизни, маны или же поднимать один из физических атрибутов.

Отличная графика и простота игрового процесса делают свое дело - от игры крайне сложно оторваться. Благодаря тому, что подземелья, квесты, экипировка и монстры распределяются случайным образом, у игрока всегда есть стимул продолжать идти к заветной цели.
Автор обзора: Aleosha
Aaron Hall's Dungeon Odyssey, Cybermercs: The Soldiers of the 22nd Century, Darkstone, Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Hellfire, Lamentation Sword, Nox, Revenant, Trial by Magic
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Играл в мае 1999 на 486 DX2\33 c 8 Mb RAM, потом в апреле 2001 на PII-400 64 Mb RAM. То, что уже будет нравиться всегда в этой игре - так это тема Тристрама. Часто слушаю её отдельно. Второе - это вступительный ролик. Повешенные на дереве, ворона, выклёвывающая глаз, труп с застывшей гримасой ужаса - это навсегда врезалось в память, этот ролик всегда у меня в телефоне. А вот игровой процесс уже не такой интересный. Поначалу скелеты (непонятно, где они хранят золотые монеты, ну да ладно) и взрывающиеся бочки, саркофаги - это весело. Потом мясник, которого я с трудом прошёл, а дальше уже стало неинтересно. Очень неудобно в критический момент указывать, где именно раскрыть портал в город. Я так не раз умирал. Музыка после Тристрама самая лучшая в первых подземельях, когда там есть всхлипы и плач, далее хорошая тема из главного меню. Жаль только, что в моно. Когда пытался играть снова уже после прохождения второй части, то было не только не интересно, но и стало понятно, насколько уступает анимация персонажей, а также ограниченные по размерам спрайты персонажей и перспективы уровней. В Fallout анимация была намного лучше. На 486 игра работала плохо, ибо 8 Mb памяти под Win95 мало в принципе, не говоря уже о том, чтобы во что-то играть. Да и 2X CDROM не делал загрузку\телепортацию быстрее. Тем не менее - игра работала, несмотря на минималку в виде Pentium 60. Оценку ставлю за музыку, интро и атмосферу, а играть быстро надоело.
Игра в отличии от 2й части имеет отличную атмосферу и дизайн , во второй части сам движек получше но из игры сделали безвкусное шапито в плане дизайна и проработки мира...
You and I both played this game in right time, where there were no QoL in this genre.
Sorry but this isn't correctly suits for me - i've played it in 2000s (first half, if I remember enough). I was at school that time and never think about QoL and other things then and now.
My apology again because as i can understand you adress your throught to modern young people who could visit this site and don't have much game expirience as me so I can don't think about moments which could be frustrate ones for another one.
Still, this is subjective in the case that the player wants to play it for nostalgia with all the "bad stuff" and having the mindset to ignore what it lacks. I personally played many, many games for nostalgia and found they were not even fun anymore in these days due to bad controls, lack of QoL, unfairness and other stuff that games in our time had, but we didn't know about better stuff. In other words, we played what we knew at that time and enjoyed it because there were not better alternatives.
Maybe i just cant imagine why some game aspects which make games games is frustrates people who never play games or start to do it some time ago. Because I like old games not only because nostalgia but because another reasons. For example, I not play Dragon Slayer for PC-88 in 1984-1985 because just dont born that time but I've got enjoyment in 2024 fourty years later after its release.
Probably what why i cant understand throught as games outdating and some moments could look or consider as unQoL and unfair.
Zelda: A link to the past for the SNES
I've played it some time ago and its not so diffucult in my opinion but it could be subjective moment because first time was in 1990s with german import PAL SNES. When I play it some years ago i figured out what only one moment could be unclear during walktrought (or two - bird statue). Other thing i cant comment because i've not encountered them during play.
I prefer to stay silent about modern audiences view on Zelda (this popularity doesn't about games itself and something outside of them imo) and Breath of the Wild because open world concept is interesting for the series but her glory is walktrought throught dungeons as it was in Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and other main games in series for me.
So i dont think what Link to the Past "was good at its time, because we didn't know better stuff yet" as you said but my opinion includes some game expiriene which much younger people doesn't have.
I try to be objective and sometimes that can hurt even my own feelings about games we all think that were awesome back then. Most if not all of my comments are based on today's standards because playing those today means you will hit many walls.
Its normal - we are people with different live and game expirience and things which could be frustrated ones for one isnt so for another and vise versa.
In my opinion really bad games is bad from the release (for example, first Fire Emblem for Famicom/NES) while really good ones could be with pros and contras but still playable and enjoyable (Doom, Quake, Diablo).
You said in another game page what don't like Half-Life games but its not bad. I dont have such negative opinion but prefer another FPS-kind in genre too.
I don't sure about it - first Diablo is could feel outdated even in comparison with Diablo 2 but his features make his something unique while Diablo 2 game design became the standard for many other next Diablo-like games which is might be boring.
You and I both played this game in right time, where there were no QoL in this genre. It was great on that time, I say so too. But in this time, the game aged too much. My score and critics are not based on nostalgia but to tell new generations that this game has its flaws, not in gameplay itself, not in creativity but in many quality of life things that now are almost mandatory or at least granted. The ones looking for this game will then understand that the game may become a little uncomfortable to play or even a little frustrating; or let it pass and get to know its history and what it accomplished in its era.

In PC potions is accessible throught 1-8 keyboard buttons. Its probably not the best like drink as much as you have in inventory but the game designed well enough for that in singleplayer especially.
Yes, but it is cumbersome for a game whose enemies are FAST, tend to surround you and the worst: your character may lock up out of nothing and not move at all. This happened in D1, D2 and even happens on D3 in the modern times. It happens on modern carbon copies like Last Epoch which abuses the "stun" and "miss" mechanics. Sometimes the game doesn't register the clicks, sometimes the character decides to go walking towards the enemy instead of attacking. Sometimes your character turns around and goes wrong way. In those moments of "desperation" to save your character, hitting 1,2 or 3 keys to find your belt is empty (and has to be replenished by hand) is frustrating. So without wanting this to become a discussion, I personally think this game was what it was at its time, and since it was one of the first (if not the first) game with these mechanics, it deserves respect but we have to control our personal nostalgia sometimes.

Tchernobog mod gives it. But for me original PC version is playble too. As I said above, singleplayer designed and balanced well enough to play it once at least.
Maybe, I didn't know about that mod or any other for this game. I'm not saying the game is catastrophic and cannot be played, I'm saying it lacks things that we and newer generations are now accustomed to and will feel the impact instantaneously. Also, add what I said above about lockups and it will be a cocktail for frustration very soon. Still, this is subjective in the case that the player wants to play it for nostalgia with all the "bad stuff" and having the mindset to ignore what it lacks. I personally played many, many games for nostalgia and found they were not even fun anymore in these days due to bad controls, lack of QoL, unfairness and other stuff that games in our time had, but we didn't know about better stuff. In other words, we played what we knew at that time and enjoyed it because there were not better alternatives.

To give you a subjective example, I recently played Zelda: A link to the past for the SNES console (on emu). That game is being praised as the most popular in western pop culture for some reason; and I suspect that reason is newer generations playing 'Breath of The Wild' and thinking all Zelda games are awesome. Zelda: ALTTP was terribly clunky, enemies attack on diagonals but you can only use horizontal and vertical axis to swing your sword. A lot of enemies are indestructible and constantly shoot non-stop using diagonals too. There are enemies that bounce you if you attack or are attacked by them; they had put those in bridges so you constantly fall and finally, the game is completely trash in the progression script; meaning a lot of stuff is completely cryptical and the only way to progress is to read a guide to know what to do next. My god I swear that I would never have finished this game without savestates given by the emu. The levels of unfairness are brutal. Still genZ's think it is "the mother of all games" or so... they make tattoos of this game in their bodies. They probably never played it, but the hype and fame are so high that most just take it as part of their culture. But you know what? that game was good at its time, because we didn't know better stuff yet.

To be honest not the best way to play, original PC version is much better than PS1 port (never tried play it although).
You are completely right. I didn't have a good-enough pc nor internet back then, so I ended up playing it on PS. But the gameplay was the same in mechanics, the problems were that you had to play it with a gamepad and that maybe graphics were lowered down to make the port viable on PS. Still I completed the game and that is proof that I had fun with it in its time, its just that I don't think the game lives to modern standards and many people will feel frustrated by it including myself.

On a side note, I don't want anybody to feel offended by my reviews or comments. I try to be objective and sometimes that can hurt even my own feelings about games we all think that were awesome back then. Most if not all of my comments are based on today's standards because playing those today means you will hit many walls. If you are prepared mentally to hit those walls and still have fun, you can play all the games. That said, I'm installing (and making them work on modern systems) a LOT of abandonware/oldware since ironically, modern games are crap with weird artificial difficulty, crazy ideological content, riddled with micromanagement and 90% of them being carbon copies of good old games. I'm playing my good old games again at the lack of current good games, and this page is amazing and helping me find a lot of amazing old games.
That said, as happened with Diablo 2, it aged very badly and I can hardly recommend newer generations to play it unless they really want, because of curiosity and the history this game made.
I don't sure about it - first Diablo is could feel outdated even in comparison with Diablo 2 but his features make his something unique while Diablo 2 game design became the standard for many other next Diablo-like games which is might be boring.
Forget about one-button potions, stacking potions in the inventory
In PC potions is accessible throught 1-8 keyboard buttons. Its probably not the best like drink as much as you have in inventory but the game designed well enough for that in singleplayer especially.
lots of other QoL things we are now accustomed to and take for granted.
Tchernobog mod gives it. But for me original PC version is playble too. As I said above, singleplayer designed and balanced well enough to play it once at least.
I played (and won) this game on the playstation port. I wouldn't even try to do that again today
To be honest not the best way to play, original PC version is much better than PS1 port (never tried play it although).